Dr. Chandrakant Bothe
Conversational Language Learning for Human-Robot Interaction
Contact detail at WTM (Informatik, Uni-Hamburg)
Principle Supervisor:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Wermter
Universität Hamburg
Collaboration partners:
- SoftBank Robotics Europe
- University of Plymouth
- University of Hertfordshire
Competence Area: Interaction (Situation)
Email: bothe.chandrakant [at] gmail.com
Discourse-Wizard Live Web-Demo: Discovering Deep Discourse Structure in your Conversation with RNNs.Dialogue Act Recognition Demonstration with and without context model, shows the importance of context in a conversation. [initial release: 25 May, 2018] :-> Visit full website of demonstration project.
Secondment Project: Dialogue-based Navigation with Multivariate Adaptation driven by Intention and Politeness for Social Robots.
Video demo of the secondment work accomplished in collaboration with SoftBank Robotics Europe in Paris, France during July-August 2018. [initial release: 29 August 2018]
Bothe, C., Weber, C., Magg, S., and Wermter, S. (2020).
EDA: Enriching Emotional Dialogue Acts using an Ensemble of Neural Annotators.
The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2020)
Bothe, C., and Wermter, S. (2019).
Ensemble BiRNNs for Contextual Emotion Detection in Dialogues.
The 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2019)
Bothe, C., Garcia F., Maya, A. C., Pandey A. K., and Wermter, S. (2018).
Towards Dialogue-based Navigation with Multivariate Adaptation driven by Intention and Politeness for Social Robots.
The International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2018) Demo Video
Bothe, C., Magg, S., Weber, C., and Wermter, S. (2018).
Discourse-Wizard: Discovering Deep Discourse Structure in your Conversation with RNNs.
arXiv:1806.11420 [cs.CL]
Bothe, C., Magg, S., Weber, C., and Wermter, S. (2018).
Conversational Analysis using Utterance-level Attention-based Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks.
Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2018. Abstract PDF Slides
Bothe, C., Weber, C., Magg, S., and Wermter, S. (2018).
A Context-based Approach for Dialogue Act Recognition using Simple Recurrent Neural Networks.
Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2018). Abstract PDF
Zhou X., Weber C., Bothe, C., and Wermter, S. (2018).
Hybrid Planning Strategy through Learning from Vision for Target-directed Navigation.
the International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2018).
Bothe, C., Magg, S., Weber, C., and Wermter, S. (2017).
Dialogue-based Neural Learning to Estimate Sentiment of Next-upcoming Utterance.
Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2017).
Lakomkin, E., Bothe, C., and Wermter, S. (2017).
GradAscent at EmoInt-2017: Character- and Word-Level Recurrent Neural Network Models for Tweet Emotion Intensity Detection.
Proceedings of Workshop WASSA at EMNLP 2017.