Welcome to the European Training Network "SECURE"
Safety Enables Cooperation in Uncertain Robotic Environments

The fellows are trained at six partner institutions in Europe and are supported by another five associated partners, ranging from large-scale international industrial partners to small enterprises, thus providing an optimal training environment for young researchers.
Selected Events
ICDL-EpiRob 2019 Workshop on Personal Robotics and Secure Human-Robot Collaboration (Joint APRIL and SECURE ITN Symposium)
19-22 August 2019, Oslo, Norway
We are pleased to announce our workshop jointly organized by the SECURE and APRIL EU project fellows focusing on learning and interaction-based approaches to safe human-robot collaboration and their application to personal robotics. The workshop is co-located with ICDL-EpiRob 2019. The workshop will include research topics like: developmental approaches to robot learning, safe interaction in uncertain environments, affect and emotion modelling for safe human-robot interaction, language and non-verbal communication etc.
Please see Programme
Please see detailed Programme and abstracts of the event here.
Source: icdl-epirob2019.org/workshops/
International PhD Conference on Safe and Social Robotics (SSR 2018)
29-30 September 2018, Madrid, Spain
We are pleased to announce our first PhD conference jointly organized by the SECURE and SOCRATES EU project fellows focusing on safety in social robotics and human-robot interaction in general. The conference is co-located with IROS 2018.
SECURE at European Researchers' Night
Mohammad Ali Zamani and Egor Lakomkin demonstrated the project " robot that learns how to perform language instructions" in ‘Science is Wonder-ful!’, at the Parlamentarium, Brussels, Belgium on September 26-27 2018 .