Lawrence Cabac
, Till Dörges
, Michael Duvigneau, and Daniel Moldt.
Requirements and tools for the debugging of multi-agent systems.
In Lars Braubach, Wiebke van der Hoek, Paolo Petta, and Alexander
Pokahr, editors, Multiagent System Technologies. 7th German Conference,
MATES 2009, Hamburg, Germany, September 9-11, 2009. Proceedings, volume 5774
of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 238-247, Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York, September 2009. Springer-Verlag.
Julia Fix and Daniel Moldt.
A reference architecture for modelling of emotional agent systems.
In Lars Braubach, Wiebke van der Hoek, Paolo Petta, and Alexander
Pokahr, editors, Multiagent System Technologies. 7th German Conference,
MATES 2009, Hamburg, Germany, September 9-11, 2009. Proceedings, volume 5774
of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 189-194, Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York, September 2009. Springer-Verlag.
Michael Köhler-Bußmeier and Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus.
Sonar*: A multi-agent infrastructure for active application
architectures and inter-organisational information systems.
In Lars Braubach, Wiebke van der Hoek, Paolo Petta, and Alexander
Pokahr, editors, Multiagent System Technologies. 7th German Conference,
MATES 2009, Hamburg, Germany, September 9-11, 2009. Proceedings, volume 5774
of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 248-257, Berlin,
Heidelberg, New York, September 2009. Springer-Verlag.
Lawrence Cabac
, Michael Duvigneau, Christine Reese, Till Dörges
, and
Matthias Wester-Ebbinghaus.
Models and tools for Mulan applications.
In H.-D. Burkhard, G. Lindemann, R. Verbrugge, and L. Varga, editors,
Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V. Fifth International Central and
East European Conference, CEEMAS'07, Leipzig. Proceedings, volume 4696 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 328-330, Berlin, Heidelberg,
New York, 2007. Springer-Verlag.
Michael Köhler and Berndt Farwer.
Object nets for mobility.
In J. Kleijn and A. Yakovlev, editors, International Conference
on Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2007, volume 4546 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 244-262. Springer-Verlag, 2007.
Ragna Dirkner.
Roundtrip-Engineering im PAOSE-Ansatz.
Diplomarbeit, Universität Hamburg, Department Informatik,
Vogt-Kölln Str. 30, D-22527 Hamburg, 2006.
Christine Reese, Sven Offermann, and Daniel Moldt.
Architektur für verteilte, agentenbasierte Workflows.
In Mareike Schoop, Christian Huemer, Michael Rebstock, and Martin
Bichler, editors, Service-oriented Electronic Commerce im Rahmen der
Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2006 (MKWI 2006), volume P-80 of Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings, pages 73-87, Bonn, 2006.
Gesellschaft für Informatik, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH.
Christine Reese, Kolja Markwardt, Sven Offermann, and Daniel Moldt.
Distributed business processes in open agent environments.
In Yannis Manolopoulos, Joaquim Filipe, Panos Constantopoulos, and
José Cordeiro, editors, ICEIS 2006 - Proceedings of the Eighth
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems: Databases and
Information Systems Integration, Paphos, Cyprus, May 2006, pages 81-86,
Christine Reese, Jan Ortmann, Daniel Moldt, Sven Offermann, Kolja Lehmann, and
Timo Carl.
Architecture for distributed agent-based workflows.
In Brian Henderson-Sellers and Michael Winikoff, editors, Proceedings of the Seventh International Bi-Conference Workshop on
Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2005), Utrecht, Niederlande, as part
of AAMAS 2005 (Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems), July 2005, pages
42-49, 2005.
Steven Willmott, Martin Beer, Richard Hill, Dominic Greenwood, Monique Calisti,
Ian Mathieson, Lin Padgham, Christine Reese, Kolja Lehmann, Thorsten Scholz,
and M. Omar Shafiq.
Netdemo: opennet networked agents demonstration.
In Michael Pechoucek, Donald Steiner, and Simon Thompson, editors,
AAMAS 2005. Proceedings (Industry Track), pages 129-130, 2005.
2 individual demos: (1) CAPA: The CAPA Mobile Chat Agent & Web
Services Gateway Agent and (2) Settler: AgentBased Settler Game.
Michael Duvigneau, Daniel Moldt, and Heiko Rölke.
Concurrent architecture for a multi-agent platform.
In Fausto Giunchiglia, James Odell, and Gerhard Weiß, editors,
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering III. Third International Workshop,
Agent-oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) 2002, Bologna, Italy, July 2002.
Revised Papers and Invited Contributions, volume 2585 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 59-72, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2003.
Michael Duvigneau.
Petrinetzbasierte Agentenprogrammierung.
In Gabriel Juh'as and Robert Lorenz, editors, Algorithms and
Tools for Petri Nets. 10th Workshop, Proceedings, pages 98-101,
Eichstätt, Germany, September 2003. GI Special Interest Group on Petri
Nets and Related System Models, Katholische Universität
Sven Heitsch, Michael Köhler, Marcel Martens, and Daniel Moldt.
Applying high-level Petri nets for a model of organizational
decision making.
In Kurt Jensen, editor, Proceedings of Workshop on the Practical
Use of High-Level Petri Nets (HLPN2000), pages 35-54. University of
Aarhus, Department of Computer Science, June 2000.
Published as DAIMI PB: Workshop Proceedings Practical Use of
High-level Petri Nets, number 547.