Lawrence Cabac
, Michael Duvigneau, Daniel Moldt, and Benjamin Schleinzer
Plugin-agents as conceptual basis for flexible software structures.
In Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V. Fifth International
Central and East European Conference, CEEMAS'07, Leipzig. Proceedings,
volume 4696 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 340-342,
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2007. Springer-Verlag.
Abrégé: To allow for flexibility in software structures (architectures) especially plug-ins and agents are proposed solutions. While plug-ins are used to support the conceptual and practical issues within component oriented software environments, agents are used in software areas where social metaphors like (self-)adaptability, flexibility, mobility, interactivity etc. are of interest. Common to both approaches is a strong relation to a service-oriented view on exporting functionality. This contribution illustrates the idea of the integration of both concepts on the formal basis of high-level Petri nets.[link]
@InProceedings{Cabac+07d, author = {Cabac, Lawrence and Duvigneau, Michael and Moldt, Daniel and Schleinzer, Benjamin}, title = {Plugin-Agents as Conceptual Basis for Flexible Software Structures}, booktitle = {Multi-Agent Systems and Applications V. Fifth International Central and East European Conference, CEEMAS'07, Leipzig. Proceedings}, pages = {340--342}, year = 2007, series = LNCS, volume = {4696}, address = Springer.addr, publisher = Springer, xdoi = {10.1007/978-3-540-75254-7_44}, url = {}, abstract = {To allow for flexibility in software structures (architectures) especially plug-ins and agents are proposed solutions. While plug-ins are used to support the conceptual and practical issues within component oriented software environments, agents are used in software areas where social metaphors like (self-)adaptability, flexibility, mobility, interactivity etc. are of interest. Common to both approaches is a strong relation to a service-oriented view on exporting functionality. This contribution illustrates the idea of the integration of both concepts on the formal basis of high-level Petri nets.} }
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