A Classification of Petri Nets

This contribution is a proposal for a classification of Petri Nets originally made by Monika Trompedeller in 1995, and is based on a survey by L. Bernardinello and F. De Cindio from 1992. The classification has not been updated since then and is therefore chiefly of historic interest. The classification is, however, useful for getting a quick overview of the main differences between various kinds of Petri Nets.


Level 1

Petri Nets characterised by places which can represent boolean values, i.e., a place is marked by at most one unstructured token.

Level 2

Petri Nets characterised by Places which can represent integer values, i.e., a place is marked by a number of unstructured tokens.

Level 3

Petri Nets characterised by Places which can represent high-level values, i.e., a place is marked by a multi-set of structured tokens.

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