Algebraic Nets
Algebraic Net Schemes
An algebraic net scheme is a pair consisting of an algebraic specification and a net with sorted places, with transtitions which have predicate (a set of equations) and with arcs marked with terms over the specification.
An algebraic net scheme consists in a basic coloured net where colours and firing rules are represented by interpretations of terms over a given algebraic specification.
(according to [dhp91])
An algebraic net scheme is a tuple N=(SPEC,X,P,T,Pre,Post,eqns,sort) where:
- SPEC=(SO,OP,EQ) is an algebraic specification of abstract data types
- X is a family of SO-sorted variables
- P and T are the sets of places and transitions
- Pre and Post are functions which assign a set of terms with variables to every pair place/transition
- eqns is a function which associates with each transition a set of equations
- sort is a function which assigns a sort SO to every place
Algebraic High-Level Nets
Algebraic high-level nets are couples (algebraic net scheme, algebra).
An algebraic high-level net (AHL net) is a tuple (N,A) where N is an algebraic net scheme and A is a SPEC-algebra.
Transition Rule
The semantics of an algebraic high-level net is that of the associated coloured net where the terms and equations are interpreted in the given algebra.
Sample Net
Sender-Receiver Model
PAPETRI, an integrated tool for editing and analysing Petri Nets.
SANDS-COOPN, a development system to construct Concurrent Object-Oriented Petri Net specifications based upon algebraic nets.
- J. Vautherin: Un modèle algébrique, basé sur les rèseaux de Petri, pour l'ètude des systèmes parallèles [vau85]
- J. Vautherin: Paralles Systems Specifications with Colored Petri Nets and Algebraic Specifications [vau87]
- U. Hummert: Algebraische Theorie von High-Level-Netzen [hum89]
- C. Dimitrovici, U. Hummert, L. Petrucci: Semantics, Composition and Net Properties of Algebraic High-level Nets [dhp91]