Place/Transition (P/T) Systems
(according to [bd92])
Transition Rule (interleaving semantics)
Another transition rule given by [jv81] and [win85] differs from the one given in the enabling of "side conditions":
Concurrent behaviour (step semantics)
Definition according to [dev90] which corresponds to the definition of a "simple step" in [rei85b].
This definition may be extended to a "bag" of transitions, that is informally, to a set with multiplicity (or multiset) which corresponds to the notion of "step" in [bf86]:
Sample Net
(from [rei87])
CPN/AMI CPN/AMI is an interactive toolkit for creation, manipulation, simulation, transformation, analysis and checking of typed graphs with attributes.
MOBY is a simulation tool based on object-oriented features.
POSES is a simulation and development system.
PENECA is a simulation tool.
PESIM is a tool for the structural and performance analysis of nets.
PNS is a public domain Petri Net simulation tool.
TORAS is a tool for analyzing Petri Nets using reachability analysis.
GRAF is an environment for the analysis and simulation of hierarchical nets.
CAPSNET is a simulation tool.
FORSEE is a collection of tools for the development of systems.
INA is a descriptive analysis tool.
PAPETRI is an integrated environment for editing and anlysing Nets.
PEP is a verification tool for parallel systems.
WINPETRI is an analysis tool for Windows.
- W. Reisig: Place/Transition Systems [rei87]
- L. Bernardinello, F. De Cindio: A survey of Basic Net Models and Modular Net Classes [bd92]
- M. Jantzen, R. Valk: Formal properties of Place/Transition Nets [jv81]
- G. Winskel: Categories of Models for Concurrency [win85]
- R. Devillers: The semantics of capacities in P/T Nets [dev90]
- E. Best, C. Fernandez: Notations and terminology on Petri Net Theory [bf86]
- W. Reisig: On the semantics of Petri Nets [rei85b]
- K. Lautenbach: Linear Algebraic Techniques for Place/Transition Nets [lau87]