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This page is structured in two main parts:
=List of all required documents for application=
To apply for the 2-year Master of Science program Intelligent Adaptive Systems, you need to register on the Universität Hamburg Stine platform and upload your application documents as PDF-documents. The IAS Team runs the IAS Master and also contains the admission board. Your application will be assessed by a group of professors, post-doctoral researchers, lecturers, and academic advisors. There are more than 450 applicants and only 20 spaces on the program. Make sure that your application is well-structured and precise.
* Main application documents
<span style="color:red"> To apply successfully, please make sure that: </span>
* Additional documents
<span style="color:red"> 1. You meet the minimum requirements </span>
=Main application documents=
<span style="color:red"> 2. Your application contains all required documents and is in the correct order </span>
Please check carefully, if you have sent all required documents in due time. The deadline is the 31st of March. Faxes and e-mails are not accepted. The IAS admission board does not inform you of missing documents or late applications. Your application is considered incomplete if one or more of the required documents are not received before the deadline (via postal mail) and/or if your online application form is not submitted online. As a result, your application will not take part in the selection process. You can not submit missing documents after the expiration of the application deadline, there will be no reconsideration.
<span style="color:red"> 3. You to upload your application before the deadline on STiNE (31 March 11:59 pm UCT+2 every year) </span>
The documents ''do not'' have to be sent as certified/attested copies when applying. You should '''not''' send original certificates since the IAS admission board will not send anything back. However, please note that in case your application is successful you will need to send attested/certified copies to the University via postal mail ''within 2 weeks'', so be prepared.
<span style="color:red"> 4. Your application needs to be self-contained, links as the only source of important documents will not be accepted. </span>
<span style="color:red">We do not inform you of missing documents, or late applications, or blank pages, or corrupted pdfs. You can not submit missing documents after the expiration of the application deadline. There will be no reconsideration. </span>
  1. The [[Cover-letter-form|cover-letter-form]] as the first page of your application (to be downloaded here shortly before the application period starts)
  2. The printed and signed [[online application form|online application form (STiNE)]]
  3. A Curriculum Vitae (table version) containing all of your relevant experience (academic, work, international, private …)
  4. A letter of motivation written by yourself in English language (max. 1.5 pages) in which you explain your choice of course and place of study in regard to your academic and professional aims and experience so far.
  5. Proof of English language proficiency
  6. An official transcript of records (and diploma supplement) issued by your university and/or other evidence attested by your university as specified in the [[Application:Formal requirements|formal requirements]]
  7. A [[Required Documents: Example structure table|self-made structured table]] of all core computer science courses you have completed/will complete as specified in the [[Application:Formal requirements|formal requirements]]
  8. The BSc certificate (if you have completed your studies)
  9. Your final/preliminary grade stated in an official document attested by your university in numbers
  10. Your degree's grading scale stated in an official document attested by your university. The grading scale has to contain the minimum and the maximum passing grade in numbers
  11. Evidence that your university and degree is recognized in Germany.
See below for detailed requirements on some of the listed documents.
The application process is digital. Please note that in case your application is successful, you will need to confirm your enrolment and submit documents online ''within 1 week'', so be prepared. You will receive a notification around mid-May about whether you are accepted or not. Official English and German translations of documents are accepted.
== 1. Cover-letter-form ==
Please read the explanations of what documents you have to send and follow the links for more information.
* Please fill in the cover-letter form (with a pdf viewer/reader).
* Then print the form. In case you are having any problems with filling in the form digitally you can also print the form and fill it in by hand (readable!).
* Send the printed form via postal mail as the first page of your application.  
* Link to the cover-letter-form: [[Cover-letter-form|cover-letter-form]]
== 2. The printed and signed online application form (STiNE)==
=='''1. Cover-letter-form''' ==
Once the application period (15 February - 31 March) has opened the online application form can be accessed through the STiNE portal: https://www.stine.uni-hamburg.de. for the link to the portal. This is only possible within the application period. Some parts of the online application form are in German and therefor rather tricky. Please see [[online application form|online application form (STiNE)]] for detailed information on how to fill out the online application form correctly. After filling out the online application form, click submit, and then, print out the summary at the end (Ger: ''Druckansicht''). This print-out has to be '''signed'''. This submitted, printed, and signed STiNE application form is one of the required documents which you have to send via postal mail.
The first page of your application is this pdf-form asking for your personal information. Only use the cover-letter-form provided by us. If you cannot fill in your information with a technical device, please do so by hand (and scan for the final application pdf). Make sure the information is saved and displayable. This document goes on top of your application; it is the first page of your final application pdf.
* Explanation and link to the cover-letter-form: [[Cover-letter-form|cover-letter-form]]
Please, note do not click "Freemover", that is the wrong application.
==''' 2. Curriculum Vitae'''==
Your Curriculum Vitae (table version) needs to include your relevant experience (academic, work, international, private). Please list specific information on your background that is relevant for IAS such as projects on AI or Robotics. Please, '''provide evidence''' of such projects through acquired certificates. Project descriptions, outlining their computer science content are especially important if you want their credits to count for the 60 ECTS in computer science.
Please add your average/overall grade (can be preliminary) and your grading scale to your CV, next to the information of your degree, and provide official evidence for that information.
== 3. Curriculum Vitae, including all necessary certificates==
== '''3. Letter of Motivation'''==  
The CV (table version) should include information on your academic and professional career and if you have international experience. It should specifically list information on your background relevant for IAS such as projects on AI or Robotics. Please, '''evidence''' such projects through acquired certificates. Project descriptions and outlines on their CS content are especially important if the achieved credits should be counted for the 60 ECTS in computer science.
This is the most important document since it accounts for 40% of your ranking score. It has to be written by yourself and in English. The maximum length is 1.5 pages (not more: the selection committee may reject your application on the grounds of the quality of your motivational letter).  
Please, add your average/overall grade (can be preliminary) and your grading scale to your cv next to the information of your degree and provide official evidence for that information.
In your letter of motivation, you should explain your reasons to study this particular program. Your letter of motivation should answer the following questions:
* Why are you interested in the field of "Intelligent Adaptive Systems" and what parts of it are most interesting and why?  
== 4. Letter of Motivation==  
This is the most important document since it accounts for 40% of your ranking score. It has to be written by yourself in the English language. There is a maximum of 1.5 pages that you should not exceed.  
In this letter, you should explain your motivation to study especially this program. The text should answer the following questions:
* Why are you interested in the field "Intelligent Adaptive Systems" or what parts are most interesting and why?  
* Why is this program especially suited to complement the knowledge you already have?
* Why is this program especially suited to complement the knowledge you already have?
* Why did you choose to study this program at Universität Hamburg?
* Why did you choose to study this program at Universität Hamburg?
* How does this program fit into your academic and professional future goals  
* How does this program fit your academic and professional future goals?
* How would you avoid a cultural shock?
* Analyze the selection criteria and the IAS curriculum so that you know what else might be important to write.
The selection committee will give high ratings to letters that show you have made a deliberate choice to study IAS. You need to justify your decision well and explain how studying the IAS Master will bring you closer to your desired goals. The board is looking for students that show high motivation and have a good chance of finishing the program with a high impact on the student's life. Your ability to present a well-connected chain of arguments is a significant ability the board is looking for.
Things that affect the rating adversely are, among others, generic letters that are written for multiple applications and letters that are written in bad English or do not follow a good structure. The selection committee wants to read something relevant and precise about you.
== '''4. Proof(s) of English language proficiency'''==
Language proficiency test score with the minimum score:
CEFR/TELC Level >= at least "upper" B2/C1 "upper intermediate" in all categories or better C1 "Advanced English"
IELTS >= Overall band 6.5 + B2 (*with a minimum subscore of 6.0 for Listening, Comprehension, Speaking, Writing)
TOEFL: IBT >= 90 (*with a minimum subscore of 20 for Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing),
PBT >= 575, CBT >= 230
Cambridge >= CAE or CPE
*The overall minimum level has to be reached too!
The medium of instruction in a degree is '''not''' sufficient proof of English Language Proficiency!
Please see '''[https://www2.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/Info/Studium/MSc/IAS/wiki/index.php/Minimum_Requirement:_English_language_proficiency minimum requirements]''' for details on the required language certificates and further information.
==''' 5. Transcript of Records'''==
Your degree’s transcript of records, listing all your finished courses with credit hours and grades and your final and or average grade. Please only apply if you can provide at least a transcript that is only missing the final semester.
Highlight the core computer science courses in your transcript that you have also listed on your table.
Please see '''[[Application:Minimum requirements| minimum requirements]]''' for detailed information on the requirements for your transcript of records.
== '''6. Table template for listing of all core computer science courses and estimation of ECTS'''==
To meet the formal requirement, you have to provide evidence of 60 ECTS or more in core computer science courses. Any kind of maths, economics, management, electrical engineering, soft skills courses does not count. Please use this table template and fill in only your finished core Computer Science subjects. Please provide all the information asked for in the table. Please also read the explanation in the wiki for the minimal requirement ECTS. Note, that you have to explain courses with meaningless names like „Project“ or „Thesis“; you have to provide extra proof that the course has significant computer science content (e.g., via an official module description/ letter of recommendation). Do not send full handbooks. The table has to be precise and well-structured.
Please refer to the listed information under [[Application:Minimum requirements| minimum requirements]] regarding questions about the ''ECTS credit system'', the ''calculation'' of the required 60 ECTS, ''modules/courses counted as computer science'' by IAS selection committee. Please use this [[Required Documents: Example structure table|example]] to provide evidence of your 60 ECTS credits or more.
=='''7. BSc certificates'''==
* If you have finished your degree, please submit a copy of your degree certificate.
* You can apply if you have finished 5 out of 6 semesters and can evidence 150 ECTS credits (or comparable) of your first degree. At the point of your application, at least 60 ECTS in computer science must be evident. To prove that you are going to complete your degree soon, you must provide the official transcript of records showing the amount of already acquired credits or credit hours and the number of minimum credits or credit hours required for completion. The final transcript and graduation certificate have to be handed in for enrolment if you are admitted.
=='''8. Diploma Supplement'''==
* Please provide a description of your degree - it is an official document issued by most universities.
** The degree's grading system and final grade computation rules if the grade is not stated in the transcript.
** The standard amount of semesters required for completion of your degree
** Total amount of credit hours or credit points to be able to finish the degree
** The description of how many weeks of in-class (=contact hours) time with a lecturer present you have per semester
** The description of how your credit systems works, e.g. 1 credit point (or credit hour) equals 15 hours of in-class time with lecturer present meaning 1 hour per week for 15 weeks.
The admission board will give high ratings to those letters that show that the student has made a deliberate choice to study IAS and can justify their decision well while also explaining how studying IAS will bring the student closer to the desired goal. The board is looking for students that show high motivation and have a good chance of finishing the program with a high impact on the student's life. The ability to present a well-argued and connected chain of argument is a major ability the board is looking for.
'''What happens if my university does not provide a degree description and I do not provide the information?'''
Things that affect the rating adversely are, amongst many, generic letters that are written for multiple applications, letters that are written in bad English or do not follow a good structure.
In the worst case, the selection committee can not verify and compare your transcript and ECTS estimation table. That means you may either be rejected because the selection committee can not estimate your ECTS OR you will receive less % in the overall rating of your application and therefore a less favourable ranking.  
The admission board does not want to read about the history of informatics, the admission board wants to read something relevant and precise about you.
''' How can I provide the information if my university does not provide degree description?'''
== 5. Proof(s) of English language proficiency==
The IAS Team advice, gather all the information yourself, write a neat degree description yourself on an extra page (always a good idea!) and state on which page in your application pieces of the official information is proven.
Please see [[Application:Formal requirements| formal requirements]] for details on the required language certificates and further information.
Here are some ideas:
* get for example lecturers to state information in a letter of recommendation
* screenshot your website, highlight the information (additionally provide a link)
* sometimes some parts are stated in the transcript, some can be stated by your academic office
* be creative - please understand that the selection committee will not start looking for information for you
* Proof of English language proficiency by (or comparable to)
=='''9. Your grade'''==
  CEFR/TELC: Level B2
In regards to your overall average grade (preliminary) or final grade, please provide a document with your (preliminary) final grade calculated by your university, even if only 5 of 6 or 7 of 8 semesters of the studies have been completed so far. Your grade should be in the grading system your university provides and with which you can provide the grading system. The grade needs to be in numbers, not letters. Make sure you send an official document attested by your university as the IAS selection committee does not accept self-calculated '''final''' grades. Nor does the IAS selection committee calculate final grades for you. If this information is listed in your transcript of records or degree certificate, then you do not need to provide an additional document.
  IELTS: 6.5
  TOEFL: IBT 90, PBT 575, CBT 230
  Cambridge: CAE or CPE
The following evidence may also be accepted:
Preliminary grade:
* Native English speaker (evidenced by a copy of your ID or passport of a country with English as one of its official languages)
Some transcripts or universities do not provide a preliminary average grade: compute it on your own on a separate document and explain how you did it. If it is not the simple grade average of all grades in the transcript, please provide official proof of what your university or degree rules of computing final marks are (see Diploma Supplement).
* Living/studying in an English-speaking country for a long period (3 years or longer) (evidenced by confirmation e.g. letter of your company, university)
Recent application periods have shown that most applicants have been directly rejected without English proficiency test due to a very high number of applicants and/or an unclear evidenced English proficiency. Therefore it is recommended to send in one of the internationally established language certificates as listed above.
Please note: If you fail to provide proof of your grade or preliminary grade and grading scale, the grade you are assigned will be the worst possible grade - a grade of 0% in selection procedures. This means that applications without a grade will rank behind the last applicant who had provided a grade. This is also true if you state a different grade/grading scale in the table and cover-letter than in your transcript or when the selection committee controls your computed grade.
== 6. Transcript of Records==
=='''10. Grading scale'''==
Please see '''[[Application:Formal requirements| formal requirements]]''' for detailed information on the requirements for your transcript of records.
The IAS selection committee needs detailed information about your degree's grading system (alternative names: grading scale/scheme of evaluation/grade classification/range of marks ...). We need this information for our [[Application:Selection criteria| selection process]]. As the IAS selection committee will evaluate and rank all applications, we need the grading scale of your university to make your average or final grade comparable to others. In a lot of cases, official transcripts of records display the university's grading system. Usually, this is a table with all the degree's grades and corresponding information like minimum passing grade and maximum, outstanding or excellent grade, etc. However, if this is not the case for your transcript of records, then please provide this information attested by your university.
== 7. Self-made structured table of all core computer science courses==
Highlight the grading scale, minimum passing grade, and maximum grade in your official documents and state exactly on which page the relevant information can be found, e.g., "the grading scale can be found on the degree description page 4 Section 2.1.1 see highlighted information". The selection committee will not look through your documents if you do not provide help on where to find the information it needs. Please only submit relevant parts of lengthy documents. You may provide a link to the full document so we can control the information. However, the selection committee will not follow links or translate websites to search for information. You need to provide all the relevant information in your application.
Please see '''[[Application:Formal_requirements#How_should_I_evidence_and_display_my_60_ECTS.3F| formal requirements]]''' for detailed information on the requirements for the self-provided structure table of all core computer science courses you have completed/will complete. Please also refer to the listed information under [[Application:Formal requirements| formal requirements]] regarding questions about the ''ECTS credit system'', the ''calculation'' of the required 60 ECTS, ''modules/courses counted as CS'' by IAS admission board.
== 8. BSc certificates/diploma supplement==
Please note: If you fail to provide proof of your grade or preliminary grade and grading scale, you will be assigned the worst possible grade - a grade of 9.9 in selection procedures. This means that applications without a grade or grading scale will rank behind the last applicant who has provided a grade. This is also true if you state a different grade/grading scale in the table and cover-letter than in your transcript/official documents or when the selection committee controls your grade computation.
If you have finished your degree send a copy of your degree certificate. You can also apply if you have finished 5/6 semesters and can evidence 150 ECTS credits (or comparable) of your first degree and at least 60 ECTS in computer science. This must be detectable in your official transcript of records showing the amount of already acquired credits and the number of minimum credits required for completion. The final transcript and graduation certificate have to be handed in for enrolment if you are admitted.
== 9. Overall grade==
=='''11. Evidence that your university and degree is recognized in Germany'''==
In regards to your overall average grade (preliminary) and/or final grade, please provide a document with a (preliminary) final grade calculated by your university, even if only 5/6 semesters of the studies have been completed. It can be in GPA or the system used in your university, but it should be submitted in numbers. Make sure you send an official document attested by your university as the IAS admission board does not accept self-calculated final grades nor does the IAS admission board calculate final grades for you. If this information is listed in your transcript of records, then you don't need to provide this extra document.
Admission to a Master's degree program at a German university requires an undergraduate degree. You must have obtained your degree from a recognized higher education institution. Your degree has to be equivalent to at least a three year Bachelor in Germany.  
== 10. Grading scale==
'''How to provide proof that your university is recognized in Germany:'''
IAS admission board needs detailed information on your university's grading system (alternative names: grading scale/scheme of evaluation/grade classification/range of marks ...) as it is important in our [[Application:Selection criteria| selection process]]. As the IAS admission board will evaluate and rank all applications, we need the grading scale of ypur university to make your average or final grade comparable to others. In a lot of cases, official transcripts of records display the university's grading system. Usually, this is a table with all the degree's grades and corresponding information like minimum passing grade and maximum, outstanding or excellent grade, etc. However, if this is not the case for your transcript of records, then please provide this information attested by your university.
=Please send all documents to:=
The selection committee's advice: use the anabin database entry for proof. It is cost-free and fast:
* Use the database anabin and screenshot the information about your university
* Your university needs to be recognized with H+
* More information here: [[Desired Documents:Anabin|Anabin]]
  Dr. Annika Peters
Some countries have to get a German authorities endorsement anyway for a visa or application- you may hand this in as additional proof:
  Universität Hamburg
  Department of Informatics / WTM / F-214
  Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30
  D-22527 Hamburg
Please, put the documents in this order and make sure that they are not attached to one another (Please do not use staplers, paper clips, folders, etc.):
An endorsement of recognition from German authorities, including information about the type of higher education entrance eligibility and, if applicable, for a particular subject. The Universität Hamburg accepts the following types of endorsement of recognition:
# Cover Sheet
# Signed Online Form (you will find this form on [https://www.stine.uni-hamburg.de/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=CampusNet&PRGNAME=EXTERNALPAGES&ARGUMENTS=-N000000000000002,-N000034,-Awelcome STiNE])
# CV
# Motivation Letter
# Language Test
# Transcript
# Self-made table
# Bachelor Certificate
# Grade and grading scale
# everything else
Please check carefully if you have sent all required documents in due time. The deadline is the 31 of March (No postal mail arrives on Saturdays and Sundays at the university). Faxes and e-mails are not accepted. We do not inform you of missing documents or late applications. Your application is considered incomplete if one or more of the required documents are not received before the deadline via postal mail or if your STiNE online application form is not submitted online. As a result, your application will not take part in the selection process. There will be no reconsideration of your application. Also note, that we do not inform you about received postal mail (letters, parcels, envelopes) – Please check with your postal mail provider if you like an acknowledgment.
* APS certificates from the academic review offices of Beijing, Ulaanbaatar, and Hanoi
One final note from the admission board: There are more than 450 applicants and only 20 spaces on the program. We like a neat, well-structured, precise, and complete application. 
The admission board and team consist of professors, lecturers, advisors, Post-docs who will also teach you once you are accepted.
= Additional Documents =
Please note: For the application to the Master program IAS it is sufficient to send in your information from Anabin.
Generally, all possible documents that support your application (especially as evidence for the arguments used in your motivation letter) can be included and will be taken into account in the selection process. Please include only documents that are relevant for this application. The selection of documents already shows your ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant content and a large amount of uncritically added certificates or documents may have a negative effect on your ranking.
==Desired documents==
If you cannot find information on whether your university is recognized in Germany, the selection committee has to decide case by case whether your degree is eligible or not. In most cases, that means your degree does not qualify.
* Documents that add to the evidence needed for the requirements, e.g. additional proofs of language proficiency or higher education courses with computer science content, letter of recommendation
=='''12. Additional Documents'''==
* Evidence for research or professional and/or international experience relevant to IAS studies. International experience, e.g. a study exchange, shows your ability to adapt to different learning and living environments and should be listed and described as part of our CV. The same holds for professional experience that may show your ability to work in a computer science context. Training courses or extensive experience that shows deep understanding of computer science concepts may be taken into account for the required CS credits.
Generally, all possible documents that support your application (especially as evidence for the arguments used in your motivation letter) can be included and will be taken into account in the selection process. However, only include documents that are relevant to your application. Your selection of documents already shows your ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant content and an unnecessarily large amount of randomly added certificates or documents may have a negative effect on your ranking.
* Evidence that your university and degree is recognized in Germany. A print-out of your university's [[Desired Documents:Anabin| Anabin]] page (database). Your University needs to be recognized with H+.  
* [[FAQ:UniAssist| Uni-Assist]]
===Desired additional documents===
* Additional self-made overview documents if your official degree description/diploma is incomplete or really unstructured
* Table of contents for faster pdf reading (could be also as 2. document (cover letter needs to be first = automatically read))
* Documents that add to the evidence needed for the requirements, e.g. additional proof of language proficiency or higher education courses with computer science content, letter of recommendation
* Evidence of research or professional and/or international experience relevant to IAS studies.
* International experience, e.g. a study exchange shows your ability to adapt to different learning and living environments and should be listed and described as part of our CV.
* The same holds true for professional experience that may show your ability to work in a computer science context.
* Training courses or extensive experience showing a deep understanding of computer science concepts. This will be taken into account for general suitability for the very specific Master program IAS.
== Suitable additions ==
=== Suitable additional documents ===
* GRE test or other academic tests showing your ability to study in higher education. Such tests are not required but may be taken into account if provided and if they add to the general story of the application.
* GRE test or other academic tests showing your ability to study in higher education. Such tests are not required but may be taken into account if provided and if they add to the general story of the application.
* Certificates of contests and competitions can be added if relevant. Please carefully decide whether the certificate can add any additional value to your application.
* Certificates of contests and competitions can be added if relevant. Please carefully decide whether the certificate can add any additional value to your application.
== Undesired documents ==
=== Undesired documents ===
* Full module handbooks. To show that you fulfill the requirement of the sufficient 60 CS credits, you have to send the self-made structure table. Please don't send full module handbooks as the IAS admission team will not have the time to search for core CS courses in those handbooks for you.
* Please do not send full module handbooks as the IAS admission team will not have the time to search for core computer science courses in those handbooks for you. However, please submit your self-made and structured table of modules to be counted towards 60 ECTS in computer science.
* Certificates that don't add additional information or are not relevant at all. More is not always better since it may show that you are not able to decide what is relevant for the subject and what is not. Select the certificates that best show your abilities.
* Certificates that don't add additional value to your application are not relevant at all. More is not always better since it may show that you are not able to decide what is relevant for the subject and what is not. Select the certificates that best show your abilities suitable for this particular degree program.
* Links to more information as sole evidence for required information.
===Do documents have to be sent as certified/attested copies?===
No, not for the application at the Department of Informatics - IAS. You can send the required application documents as simple scans. But please be aware that once you have been sent a ''letter of acceptance'' by the CampusCenter (central administration), you have to send certified/attested copies of your language certificate, your university entrance qualification (e.g. high school certificate), and your bachelor's degree certificate to prove the authenticity of those documents together with the matriculation form '''within 14 days''' to the "Team for Application and Admission" (Ger: ''Team Bewerbung und Zulassung'') at the CampusCenter of the Universität Hamburg. Therefore, we highly recommend preparing certified/attested copies of all the relevant documents upfront. In any case please follow the instructions on your letter of acceptance.
The central administration team (CampusCenter Team for your enrolment, located at the city center) and the IAS Team (for your application and later your studies, located at the Department of Informatics, Hamburg Stellingen) are two very distinct teams. They have nothing to do with the task of the other. So please do not send the IAS Team paper originals.
== '''The University's online portal (STiNE)'''==
The Universität Hamburg Campus Center (= central administration) requires you to fill out a general and university-wide online form on their platform called STiNE. This is also the platform where you upload your application. Please note that you can only fill in the form during the application period.
Attention: In your application account on the STiNE platform: Select this IAS course: Master, Semester 1 (= start with the first semester), Intelligent Adaptive Systems, Admission restricted Do not click "Freemover". Do not click "Preparatory Course".
* During your registration you may receive a BW - Number (Application Number). Please state this number in your cover letter if possible.
* You can find the form in Universität Hamburg's STiNE platform: https://www.stine.uni-hamburg.de. Sorry, some parts of the STiNE online form are in German.
* For further clarification, the IAS-Team has prepared a wiki entry regarding the STiNE form: [[online application form|Online form STiNE]].
* For further questions about the STiNE platform please ask the technical support of STiNE. STiNE is a part of the central administration - not the IAS Team's platform, see [https://www.stine.uni-hamburg.de/scripts/mgrqispi.dll?APPNAME=CampusNet&PRGNAME=EXTERNALPAGES&ARGUMENTS=-N000000000000002,-N000339,-A100101e#furtherquestions STiNE support].
==Some advice for applicants from the selection committee==
Dear applicants,
we know there are a lot of documents to be prepared and rules to be followed, sorry. Our mission is to welcome applicants from all over the world and we succeed in doing so (500 applicants for 20 places). That also means we get sent a lot of different transcripts with more or less valuable information on them how to understand your education. Please help us in understanding your life and education by following our instructions. This way we can compare your application to others from all over the world. This also saves us time to really read and appreciate your application. Please note, that we do not make a difference between national and international applications. Make your application worthwhile. Thank you and good luck,
The IAS selection committee
More FAQ
* [[FAQ: Q&A| Frequently Asked Questions about the application]]
* [https://www2.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/Info/Studium/MSc/IAS/wiki/index.php/Application:Main#How_to_send_your_application Submitting your final application]

Latest revision as of 11:40, 12 March 2024

List of all required documents for application

To apply for the 2-year Master of Science program Intelligent Adaptive Systems, you need to register on the Universität Hamburg Stine platform and upload your application documents as PDF-documents. The IAS Team runs the IAS Master and also contains the admission board. Your application will be assessed by a group of professors, post-doctoral researchers, lecturers, and academic advisors. There are more than 450 applicants and only 20 spaces on the program. Make sure that your application is well-structured and precise.

To apply successfully, please make sure that:

1. You meet the minimum requirements

2. Your application contains all required documents and is in the correct order

3. You to upload your application before the deadline on STiNE (31 March 11:59 pm UCT+2 every year)

4. Your application needs to be self-contained, links as the only source of important documents will not be accepted.

We do not inform you of missing documents, or late applications, or blank pages, or corrupted pdfs. You can not submit missing documents after the expiration of the application deadline. There will be no reconsideration.

The application process is digital. Please note that in case your application is successful, you will need to confirm your enrolment and submit documents online within 1 week, so be prepared. You will receive a notification around mid-May about whether you are accepted or not. Official English and German translations of documents are accepted.

Please read the explanations of what documents you have to send and follow the links for more information.

1. Cover-letter-form

The first page of your application is this pdf-form asking for your personal information. Only use the cover-letter-form provided by us. If you cannot fill in your information with a technical device, please do so by hand (and scan for the final application pdf). Make sure the information is saved and displayable. This document goes on top of your application; it is the first page of your final application pdf.

2. Curriculum Vitae

Your Curriculum Vitae (table version) needs to include your relevant experience (academic, work, international, private). Please list specific information on your background that is relevant for IAS such as projects on AI or Robotics. Please, provide evidence of such projects through acquired certificates. Project descriptions, outlining their computer science content are especially important if you want their credits to count for the 60 ECTS in computer science. Please add your average/overall grade (can be preliminary) and your grading scale to your CV, next to the information of your degree, and provide official evidence for that information.

3. Letter of Motivation

This is the most important document since it accounts for 40% of your ranking score. It has to be written by yourself and in English. The maximum length is 1.5 pages (not more: the selection committee may reject your application on the grounds of the quality of your motivational letter). In your letter of motivation, you should explain your reasons to study this particular program. Your letter of motivation should answer the following questions:

  • Why are you interested in the field of "Intelligent Adaptive Systems" and what parts of it are most interesting and why?
  • Why is this program especially suited to complement the knowledge you already have?
  • Why did you choose to study this program at Universität Hamburg?
  • How does this program fit your academic and professional future goals?
  • How would you avoid a cultural shock?
  • Analyze the selection criteria and the IAS curriculum so that you know what else might be important to write.

The selection committee will give high ratings to letters that show you have made a deliberate choice to study IAS. You need to justify your decision well and explain how studying the IAS Master will bring you closer to your desired goals. The board is looking for students that show high motivation and have a good chance of finishing the program with a high impact on the student's life. Your ability to present a well-connected chain of arguments is a significant ability the board is looking for.

Things that affect the rating adversely are, among others, generic letters that are written for multiple applications and letters that are written in bad English or do not follow a good structure. The selection committee wants to read something relevant and precise about you.

4. Proof(s) of English language proficiency

Language proficiency test score with the minimum score:

CEFR/TELC Level >= at least "upper" B2/C1 "upper intermediate" in all categories or better C1 "Advanced English"

IELTS >= Overall band 6.5 + B2 (*with a minimum subscore of 6.0 for Listening, Comprehension, Speaking, Writing)

TOEFL: IBT >= 90 (*with a minimum subscore of 20 for Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing),

PBT >= 575, CBT >= 230

Cambridge >= CAE or CPE

  • The overall minimum level has to be reached too!

The medium of instruction in a degree is not sufficient proof of English Language Proficiency! Please see minimum requirements for details on the required language certificates and further information.

5. Transcript of Records

Your degree’s transcript of records, listing all your finished courses with credit hours and grades and your final and or average grade. Please only apply if you can provide at least a transcript that is only missing the final semester.

Highlight the core computer science courses in your transcript that you have also listed on your table.

Please see minimum requirements for detailed information on the requirements for your transcript of records.

6. Table template for listing of all core computer science courses and estimation of ECTS

To meet the formal requirement, you have to provide evidence of 60 ECTS or more in core computer science courses. Any kind of maths, economics, management, electrical engineering, soft skills courses does not count. Please use this table template and fill in only your finished core Computer Science subjects. Please provide all the information asked for in the table. Please also read the explanation in the wiki for the minimal requirement ECTS. Note, that you have to explain courses with meaningless names like „Project“ or „Thesis“; you have to provide extra proof that the course has significant computer science content (e.g., via an official module description/ letter of recommendation). Do not send full handbooks. The table has to be precise and well-structured.

Please refer to the listed information under minimum requirements regarding questions about the ECTS credit system, the calculation of the required 60 ECTS, modules/courses counted as computer science by IAS selection committee. Please use this example to provide evidence of your 60 ECTS credits or more.

7. BSc certificates

  • If you have finished your degree, please submit a copy of your degree certificate.
  • You can apply if you have finished 5 out of 6 semesters and can evidence 150 ECTS credits (or comparable) of your first degree. At the point of your application, at least 60 ECTS in computer science must be evident. To prove that you are going to complete your degree soon, you must provide the official transcript of records showing the amount of already acquired credits or credit hours and the number of minimum credits or credit hours required for completion. The final transcript and graduation certificate have to be handed in for enrolment if you are admitted.

8. Diploma Supplement

  • Please provide a description of your degree - it is an official document issued by most universities.
    • The degree's grading system and final grade computation rules if the grade is not stated in the transcript.
    • The standard amount of semesters required for completion of your degree
    • Total amount of credit hours or credit points to be able to finish the degree
    • The description of how many weeks of in-class (=contact hours) time with a lecturer present you have per semester
    • The description of how your credit systems works, e.g. 1 credit point (or credit hour) equals 15 hours of in-class time with lecturer present meaning 1 hour per week for 15 weeks.

What happens if my university does not provide a degree description and I do not provide the information?

In the worst case, the selection committee can not verify and compare your transcript and ECTS estimation table. That means you may either be rejected because the selection committee can not estimate your ECTS OR you will receive less % in the overall rating of your application and therefore a less favourable ranking.

How can I provide the information if my university does not provide degree description?

The IAS Team advice, gather all the information yourself, write a neat degree description yourself on an extra page (always a good idea!) and state on which page in your application pieces of the official information is proven. Here are some ideas:

  • get for example lecturers to state information in a letter of recommendation
  • screenshot your website, highlight the information (additionally provide a link)
  • sometimes some parts are stated in the transcript, some can be stated by your academic office
  • be creative - please understand that the selection committee will not start looking for information for you

9. Your grade

In regards to your overall average grade (preliminary) or final grade, please provide a document with your (preliminary) final grade calculated by your university, even if only 5 of 6 or 7 of 8 semesters of the studies have been completed so far. Your grade should be in the grading system your university provides and with which you can provide the grading system. The grade needs to be in numbers, not letters. Make sure you send an official document attested by your university as the IAS selection committee does not accept self-calculated final grades. Nor does the IAS selection committee calculate final grades for you. If this information is listed in your transcript of records or degree certificate, then you do not need to provide an additional document.

Preliminary grade: Some transcripts or universities do not provide a preliminary average grade: compute it on your own on a separate document and explain how you did it. If it is not the simple grade average of all grades in the transcript, please provide official proof of what your university or degree rules of computing final marks are (see Diploma Supplement).

Please note: If you fail to provide proof of your grade or preliminary grade and grading scale, the grade you are assigned will be the worst possible grade - a grade of 0% in selection procedures. This means that applications without a grade will rank behind the last applicant who had provided a grade. This is also true if you state a different grade/grading scale in the table and cover-letter than in your transcript or when the selection committee controls your computed grade.

10. Grading scale

The IAS selection committee needs detailed information about your degree's grading system (alternative names: grading scale/scheme of evaluation/grade classification/range of marks ...). We need this information for our selection process. As the IAS selection committee will evaluate and rank all applications, we need the grading scale of your university to make your average or final grade comparable to others. In a lot of cases, official transcripts of records display the university's grading system. Usually, this is a table with all the degree's grades and corresponding information like minimum passing grade and maximum, outstanding or excellent grade, etc. However, if this is not the case for your transcript of records, then please provide this information attested by your university.

Highlight the grading scale, minimum passing grade, and maximum grade in your official documents and state exactly on which page the relevant information can be found, e.g., "the grading scale can be found on the degree description page 4 Section 2.1.1 see highlighted information". The selection committee will not look through your documents if you do not provide help on where to find the information it needs. Please only submit relevant parts of lengthy documents. You may provide a link to the full document so we can control the information. However, the selection committee will not follow links or translate websites to search for information. You need to provide all the relevant information in your application.

Please note: If you fail to provide proof of your grade or preliminary grade and grading scale, you will be assigned the worst possible grade - a grade of 9.9 in selection procedures. This means that applications without a grade or grading scale will rank behind the last applicant who has provided a grade. This is also true if you state a different grade/grading scale in the table and cover-letter than in your transcript/official documents or when the selection committee controls your grade computation.

11. Evidence that your university and degree is recognized in Germany

Admission to a Master's degree program at a German university requires an undergraduate degree. You must have obtained your degree from a recognized higher education institution. Your degree has to be equivalent to at least a three year Bachelor in Germany.

How to provide proof that your university is recognized in Germany:

The selection committee's advice: use the anabin database entry for proof. It is cost-free and fast:

  • Use the database anabin and screenshot the information about your university
  • Your university needs to be recognized with H+
  • More information here: Anabin

Some countries have to get a German authorities endorsement anyway for a visa or application- you may hand this in as additional proof:

An endorsement of recognition from German authorities, including information about the type of higher education entrance eligibility and, if applicable, for a particular subject. The Universität Hamburg accepts the following types of endorsement of recognition:

  • APS certificates from the academic review offices of Beijing, Ulaanbaatar, and Hanoi

Please note: For the application to the Master program IAS it is sufficient to send in your information from Anabin.

If you cannot find information on whether your university is recognized in Germany, the selection committee has to decide case by case whether your degree is eligible or not. In most cases, that means your degree does not qualify.

12. Additional Documents

Generally, all possible documents that support your application (especially as evidence for the arguments used in your motivation letter) can be included and will be taken into account in the selection process. However, only include documents that are relevant to your application. Your selection of documents already shows your ability to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant content and an unnecessarily large amount of randomly added certificates or documents may have a negative effect on your ranking.

Desired additional documents

  • Additional self-made overview documents if your official degree description/diploma is incomplete or really unstructured
  • Table of contents for faster pdf reading (could be also as 2. document (cover letter needs to be first = automatically read))
  • Documents that add to the evidence needed for the requirements, e.g. additional proof of language proficiency or higher education courses with computer science content, letter of recommendation
  • Evidence of research or professional and/or international experience relevant to IAS studies.
  • International experience, e.g. a study exchange shows your ability to adapt to different learning and living environments and should be listed and described as part of our CV.
  • The same holds true for professional experience that may show your ability to work in a computer science context.
  • Training courses or extensive experience showing a deep understanding of computer science concepts. This will be taken into account for general suitability for the very specific Master program IAS.

Suitable additional documents

  • GRE test or other academic tests showing your ability to study in higher education. Such tests are not required but may be taken into account if provided and if they add to the general story of the application.
  • Certificates of contests and competitions can be added if relevant. Please carefully decide whether the certificate can add any additional value to your application.

Undesired documents

  • Please do not send full module handbooks as the IAS admission team will not have the time to search for core computer science courses in those handbooks for you. However, please submit your self-made and structured table of modules to be counted towards 60 ECTS in computer science.
  • Certificates that don't add additional value to your application are not relevant at all. More is not always better since it may show that you are not able to decide what is relevant for the subject and what is not. Select the certificates that best show your abilities suitable for this particular degree program.
  • Links to more information as sole evidence for required information.

Do documents have to be sent as certified/attested copies?

No, not for the application at the Department of Informatics - IAS. You can send the required application documents as simple scans. But please be aware that once you have been sent a letter of acceptance by the CampusCenter (central administration), you have to send certified/attested copies of your language certificate, your university entrance qualification (e.g. high school certificate), and your bachelor's degree certificate to prove the authenticity of those documents together with the matriculation form within 14 days to the "Team for Application and Admission" (Ger: Team Bewerbung und Zulassung) at the CampusCenter of the Universität Hamburg. Therefore, we highly recommend preparing certified/attested copies of all the relevant documents upfront. In any case please follow the instructions on your letter of acceptance. The central administration team (CampusCenter Team for your enrolment, located at the city center) and the IAS Team (for your application and later your studies, located at the Department of Informatics, Hamburg Stellingen) are two very distinct teams. They have nothing to do with the task of the other. So please do not send the IAS Team paper originals.

The University's online portal (STiNE)

The Universität Hamburg Campus Center (= central administration) requires you to fill out a general and university-wide online form on their platform called STiNE. This is also the platform where you upload your application. Please note that you can only fill in the form during the application period.

Attention: In your application account on the STiNE platform: Select this IAS course: Master, Semester 1 (= start with the first semester), Intelligent Adaptive Systems, Admission restricted Do not click "Freemover". Do not click "Preparatory Course".

  • During your registration you may receive a BW - Number (Application Number). Please state this number in your cover letter if possible.
  • You can find the form in Universität Hamburg's STiNE platform: https://www.stine.uni-hamburg.de. Sorry, some parts of the STiNE online form are in German.
  • For further clarification, the IAS-Team has prepared a wiki entry regarding the STiNE form: Online form STiNE.
  • For further questions about the STiNE platform please ask the technical support of STiNE. STiNE is a part of the central administration - not the IAS Team's platform, see STiNE support.

Some advice for applicants from the selection committee

Dear applicants,

we know there are a lot of documents to be prepared and rules to be followed, sorry. Our mission is to welcome applicants from all over the world and we succeed in doing so (500 applicants for 20 places). That also means we get sent a lot of different transcripts with more or less valuable information on them how to understand your education. Please help us in understanding your life and education by following our instructions. This way we can compare your application to others from all over the world. This also saves us time to really read and appreciate your application. Please note, that we do not make a difference between national and international applications. Make your application worthwhile. Thank you and good luck,

The IAS selection committee

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