Submissions and Important Dates

Team Registration
To participate to the challenge, please send us an email to barros @ with the title "OMG-Empathy Team Registration". This e-mail must contain the following information:
Team Name
Team Members
Participating tracks


We split the corpus into three subsets: training, validation and testing. The participants will receive the training and validation sets, together with the associated annotations once they subscribe to the challenge. The subscription will be done via e-mail. Each participant team must consist of 1 to 5 participants and must agree to use the data only for scientific purposes. Each team can choose to take part in one or both the tracks.

The final submission will be divided into two steps: 1) final results and code and 2) paper.

1) Your final results must be submitted as a .zip file containing different ".csv" files, one for each video. The name of each csv must be the name of each video. For example: Subject_1_Story_3.mp4 --> Subject_1_Story_3.csv

Each ".csv" must contain a header ("valence") and each row of the file must be the valence output for each frame of the video. We are sending a frame counter file which contains the number of required frames per video. Each team can submit up to three different results. Please also send a short paragraph describing the differences of each set of results you submit.

Your code must be submitted as a GitHub public link. Please include the necessary information to run the code properly.

2) Each participating team must submit a short 2-4 pages paper describing their solution. This paper must follow the IEEE specifications ( Latex and Word templates) and will be peer reviewed following the FG 2019 standards. The accepted papers will be included in the FG 2019 workshop proceedings. The paper must be submitted in PDF format.

Both code and papers must be submitted to barros @ together with the name of the submitting team.

  • Each team must consist of 1 to 5 participants.
  • Each team must use the challenge data only for scientific purposes.
  • Each team can use any pre-processing and pre-training methodologies for training their models.
  • We will have one winner for the first track (Personalized Empathy) and one for the second track (Generalized Empathy).
Important Dates
  • 25th of September 2018 - Opening of the Challenge - Team registrations begin
  • 1st of October 2018 - Training/validation data and annotation available
  • 3rd of December 2018 - Test data release
  • 7th of December 2018 - Final submission (Results and code)
  • 13th of December 2018 - Final submission (Paper)
  • 14th of December 2018 - Announcement of the winners

We will update this page soon with the links for the necessary scripts, as well the contact information for subscribing