

LNCS cover
Petri Nets 2012
The conference proceedings of Petri Nets 2012 are available as book in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series of the Springer Verlag with the volume number 7347 (doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31131-4).
ACSD 2012
The conference proceedings of ACSD 2012 are published by IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Services as ISBN 978-0-7695-4709-1. They are also available online at IEEE Xplore (doi:10.1109/ACSD.2012.33).
The workshop proceedings of all workshops are available online at CEUR Workshop Proceedings as separate volumes:

Outstanding Paper Awards

Petri Nets 2012
Antti Valmari and Henri Hansen: Old and New Algorithms for Minimal Coverability sets
Abstract: Many algorithms for computing minimal coverability sets for Petri nets prune futures. That is, if a new marking strictly covers an old one, then not just the old marking but also some subset of its subsequent markings is discarded from search. In this publication, a simpler algorithm that lacks future pruning is presented and proven correct. Then its performance is compared with future pruning. It is demonstrated, using examples, that neither approach is systematically better than the other. However, the simple algorithm has some attractive features. It never needs to re-construct pruned parts of the minimal coverability set. If the minimal coverability set is constructed in depth-first or most tokens first order, and if so-called history merging is applied, then most of the advantage of future pruning is automatic. Some implementation aspects of minimal coverability set construction are also discussed.
ACSD 2012
Tim Strazny and Roland Meyer: An Algorithmic Framework for Coverability in Well-Structured Systems
Abstract: We generalize the backward algorithm for coverability in WSTS's to an algorithmic framework. The idea is to consider the predecessor computation, the witness function, and the processing order as parameters. On the theoretical side, we prove that every instantiation of the functions (that satisfies some requirements) still yields a decision procedure for coverability. On the practical side, we show that known optimizations like partial order reduction and pruning can be formulated in our framework. We also give a novel acceleration based instantiation. For well-known classes of WSTS's (PN, PN+Transfer, LCS), we optimize the selection function inspired by A*. We implemented our instantiations and comment on the data structures. Extensive experiments show that the new algorithms can compete with a state-of-the-art tool: MIST2.

Page last modified: 2012/11/06