Accepted Papers
- Petri Nets 2012
- Eric Badouel On the alpha-Reconstructibility of
Workflow Nets
- Wil Van Der Aalst Decomposing Process Mining
Problems Using Passages
- Marc Solé and Josep Carmona An SMT-based
Discovery Algorithm for C-nets
- Veronica Gil Costa, Jair Lobos, Alonso
Inostrosa-Psijas and Mauricio Marin Capacity Planning for
Vertical Search Engines: An approach based on Coloured Petri
- Frederic Cristini and Catherine Tessier
Nets-within-nets to model innovative space system architectures
- Astrid Rakow Safety Slicing Petri Nets
- Antti Valmari and Henri Hansen Old and New
Algorithms for Minimal Coverability sets
- Simon Spinner, Samuel Kounev and Philipp Meier
Stochastic Modeling and Analysis using QPME: Queueing Petri Net
Modeling Environment v2.0
- Guanjun Liu, Jun Sun, Yang Liu and Jinsong Dong
Complexity of the Soundness Problem of Bounded Workflow Nets
- Xu Wang Maximal Confluent Processes
- María Martos-Salgado and Fernando Rosa-Velardo
Cost Soundness for Priced Resource-Constrained Workflow nets
- Thomas Mailund, Anders Halager and Michael
Westergaard Using Colored Petri Nets to Construct Coalescent
Hidden Markov Models: Automatic Translation from Demographic
Specifications to Efficient Inference Methods
- Joyce Nakatumba, Michael Westergaard and Wil Van
Der Aalst An Infrastructure for Cost-Effective Testing of
Operational Support Algorithms Based on Colored Petri Nets
- Sami Evangelista and Lars Kristensen Hybrid LTL Model
Checking with the Sweep-Line Method
- Dirk Fahland and Robert Prüfer Data and
Abstraction for Scenario-Based Modeling with Petri Nets
- Frank Heitmann and Michael Köhler-Bußmeier P- and
T-Systems in the Nets-within-Nets-Formalism
- Monika Heiner, Mostafa Herajy, Fei Liu, Christian
Rohr and Martin Schwarick Snoopy - a unifying Petri net tool
- Matthias Weidlich and Jan Martijn van der Werf On
Profiles and Footprints - Relational Semantics for Petri Nets
- Andreas Lehmann, Niels Lohmann and Karsten Wolf
Stubborn Sets for Simple Linear Time Properties
- Debjyoti Bera, Kees Van Hee and Jan Martijn Van
Der Werf Designing Weakly Terminating ROS Systems
- Štefan Korecko, Ján Marcinčin and Viliam Slodiak CPN Assistant II: A Tool
for Management of Networked Simulations
- ACSD 2012
- Tim Strazny and Roland Meyer An Algorithmic Framework
for Coverability in Well-Structured Systems
- Antti Valmari All Linear-Time Congruences for Finite
LTSs and Familiar Operators
- Andrey Mokhov, Victor Khomenko, Arseniy Alekseyev and
Alex Yakovlev Algebra of Parametrised Graphs
- Javier Esparza and Christian Kern Reactive and
Proactive Diagnosis of Distributed Systems using Net Unfoldings
- Souheib Baarir, Maximilien Colange, Fabrice Kordon and
Yann Thierry-Mieg State Space Analysis using Symmetries on
Decision Diagrams
- Antti Siirtola, Antti Puhakka and Gerald Lüttgen
Introducing Fairness into Compositional Verification via
Unidirectional Counters
- Jasen Markovski and Michel Reniers Verifying
Performance of Supervised Plants
- Marc Solé and Josep Carmona A High-level Strategy for
C-net Discovery
- Ricardo J. Rodríguez, Jorge Julvez and Jose Merseguer
PeabraiN: A PIPE Extension for Performance Estimation and
Resource Optimisation
- Andrew Mundy, Terrence Mak, Alex Yakovlev, Simon
Davidson and Steve Furber Large-Scale On-Chip Dynamic
Programming Network Inferences using Moderated Inter-Core
- Andrey Mokhov, Victor Khomenko, Danil Sokolov and Alex
Yakovlev On Dual-Rail Control Logic for Enhanced Circuit
- Lukasz Mikulski and Maciej Koutny Hasse Diagrams of
Combined Traces
- Martin Bezdeka, Ondrej Bouda, Lubos Korenciak, Matus
Madzin and Vojtech Rehak Sequence Chart Studio
- Walter Vogler, Christian Stahl and Richard Müller A
Trace-Based Semantics for Responsiveness
- Hanifa Boucheneb and Kamel Barkaoui Reachability
Analysis of P-Time Petri Nets with Parametric Markings
- Adnan Bouakaz, Jean-Pierre Talpin and Jan Vitek Affine
Data-Flow Graphs for the Synthesis of Hard Real-Time
- Jakob Lechner, Martin Lampacher and Thomas Polzer A
Robust Asynchronous Interfacing Scheme with Four-Phase Dual-Rail
- Olli Saarikivi, Kari Kähkönen and Keijo Heljanko
Improving Dynamic Partial Order Reductions for Concolic Testing
- Luca Pazzi and Marco Pradelli Modularity and Part-Whole
Compositionality for Computing the State Semantics of
- Sven Linker Translating Structural Process Properties
to Petri Net Markings
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