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Petri Nets Newsletter.
Saridis, G.N.
Wang, F.-Y.;
Mittmann, M.;
Saridis, G.N.:
Coordination Specification for CIRSSE Robotic Platform System Using Petri Net Transducers.
Saridis, G.N.;
Wyes, J.:
On the theory of intelligent machines. Abbildungen für Netze mit Schaltregeln im Software-Lifecycle.
Wang, Fei-Yue;
Saridis, George N.:
A coordination theory for intelligent machines.
Wang, Fei Yue;
Saridis, George N.:
Task Plan Generation for Intelligent Machines.
Wang, Fei Yue;
Saridis, G.N.:
A Model for Coordination of Intelligent Machines Using Petri Nets.
Wang, F.Y.;
Saridis, G.N.:
The Coordination of Intelligent Robots: a Case Study.
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