The Petri Nets Bibliography
Aalbersberg - Aziz
(254 entries)
Baar - Bystrov
(556 entries)
Cabac - Czesnalowicz
(466 entries)
Dabbene - D`Aprile
(343 entries)
Eassa - Ezzedine
(106 entries)
Fabra - Fu
(222 entries)
Gabarro - Gyurov
(376 entries)
Haar - Hyon
(391 entries)
Iacono - Iwata
(63 entries)
Jablonski - Ju
(192 entries)
Kaaniche - Kyun
(502 entries)
Ladet - Lyu
(429 entries)
Maass - Mylnikov
(559 entries)
Nadedov - Norgaard
(164 entries)
Oakes - O'Donnell
(116 entries)
Pacas-Skewes - Pyssysalo
(368 entries)
Qemali - Qvortrup
(20 entries)
Rabah - Ryzhov
(291 entries)
Saadatpoor - Szymanski
(667 entries)
Tabakov - Tzolov
(299 entries)
Ucci - Uzma
(31 entries)
Vaandrager - Vyatkin
(194 entries)
Wack - Wyns
(250 entries)
Xiang - Xu
(33 entries)
Yabuuchi - Yu
(122 entries)
Zabrist - Zymanski
(134 entries)
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Petri Nets Newsletter
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