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Please fill in the cover-letter-form with a pdf reader and print it with your information. In case this is not working you can also fill in the cover-letter-form by hand:

Explanation of points 1-9 of the cover-letter-form

  1. Please check the boxes if you will send these required documents: Signed online form, CV, Letter of motivation.
  2. Please check the box if you have completed a language proficiency test. Provide the name and score of your test. The language proficiency tests need to meet these scores or higher: CEFR/TELC Level C1, IELTS >=6.5, TOEFL IBT >=90, PBT >=575, CBT >=230, Cambridge CAE or CPE. (see English language proficiency)
  3. Please check the first box if you send a transcript of a completed Bachelor. If you are still studying, check the second box. (see Transcript of records)
  4. Check the box if your self-made table contains all your core computer science courses and the sum is 60 ECTS or more, see Self-made table)
  5. Preliminary quick check code for ECTS: From September to January, the IAS Team offers a preliminary quick check service of your table and transcripts for a preliminary estimation whether you fulfill the formal requirement of 60 ECTS in computer science. If you have received a quick check code, please state. (further information)
  6. Check the box if you provide a copy of your final bachelor certificate. In any case, state your final/preliminary grade in numbers. If you have not yet finished your degree, state your current grade average. Make sure the grade (preliminary/final) is stated in an official document, e.g., transcript or certificate. (see BSc certificates)
  7. To compare your grade to others, please provide your grading scale/system in numbers. The grading scale has to contain the minimum passing grade and the maximum grade. E.g., in GPA grading scales “1” often is the minimum passing grade and “4” the maximum of the degree’s grading scale. Please, provide evidence for your grade and your grading scale (e.g., usually certificate, transcript, or additional document). (see Overall grade)
  8. State the actual length, which you have already studied in years. State the standard period of study of your degree in years, e.g., “3.5/4” means that you have studied 3.5 years out of 4 years of your program.
  9. Please state the name of the Bachelor course you are applying with (e.g., Computer Science, Information Technology, Telecommunication Engineering, Economics, ...).
  10. Please state the name of your university and country (e.g., Visvesvaraja University India, Universität Osnabrück Germany, Technical University of Madrid Spain, etc.).
  11. Please evidence that your university and degree is recognized in Germany. For further information read section 11 about Anabin.

Order of documents

Please, put the documents in this order and make sure that they are not attached to one another (Please do not use staplers, paper clips, folders, etc.):

  1. Cover Sheet
  2. Signed Online Form STiNE
  3. CV
  4. Motivation Letter
  5. Language Test
  6. Transcript
  7. Self-made table
  8. Bachelor Certificate
  9. Grade
  10. Grading scale
  11. Anabin print out
  12. everything else

Please, do not use staplers, paper clips, folders or anything else to organize your documents when sending them in.


 Dr. Annika Peters
 Universität Hamburg
 Department of Informatics / WTM / F-214
 Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30
 D-22527 Hamburg

Official documents as evidence

Be reminded that you need to provide official proof (grade, grading system, certificates, period of study)! For the application, you can send the documents in simple (paper) copy. In 2020 also via email before the deadline.

Please check carefully if you have sent all required documents in due time. The deadline is the 31 of March (No postal mail arrives on Saturdays and Sundays at the university). Faxes and e-mails are not accepted. We do not inform you of missing documents or late applications. Your application is considered incomplete if one or more of the required documents are not received before the deadline via postal mail or if your STiNE online application form is not submitted online. As a result, your application will not take part in the selection process. There will be no reconsideration of your application. Also note, that we do not inform you about received postal mail (letters, parcels, envelopes) – Please check with your postal mail provider if you like an acknowledgment.

One final note from the admission board: There are more than 450 applicants and only 20 spaces on the program. We like a neat, well-structured, precise, and complete application. The admission board and team consist of professors, lecturers, advisors, Post-docs who will also teach you once you are accepted.