Olaf Kummer, Frank Wienberg, and Michael Duvigneau.
Renew - User Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 2.1 edition, May 2006.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Daniel Moldt and Jan Ortmann.
DaGen: A tool for automatic translation from DAML-S to high-level
Petri nets.
In Michel Wermelinger and Tiziana Margaria-Steffen, editors, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: 7th International Conference,
FASE 2004. Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and
Practice of Software, ETAPS 2004, Barcelona, Spain, March 29 - April 2, 2004.
Proceedings, volume 2984 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages
209-213, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2004. Springer-Verlag.
Olaf Kummer, Frank Wienberg, and Michael Duvigneau.
Renew - User Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 2.0 edition, June 2004.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Olaf Kummer, Frank Wienberg, Michael Duvigneau, Michael Köhler, Daniel Moldt, and Heiko Rölke.
Renew - the Reference Net Workshop.
In Eric Veerbeek, editor, Tool Demonstrations. 24th
International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets (ATPN
2003). International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2003).,
pages 99-102. Department of Technology Management, Technische Universiteit
Eindhoven, Beta Research School for Operations Management and Logistics, June
Olaf Kummer, Frank Wienberg, and Michael Duvigneau.
Renew - User Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 1.6 edition, October 2002.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Thomas Jacob, Olaf Kummer, and Daniel Moldt.
Datenbank-Sicherung für Petrinetze.
In Gabriel Juhás and Robert Lorenz, editors, 8. Workshop
Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze, pages 61-65. Lehrstuhl
für angewandte Informatik, KU Eichstätt, 2001.
Olaf Kummer, Frank Wienberg, and Michael Duvigneau.
Renew - User Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 1.5 edition, May 2001.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Olaf Kummer, Frank Wienberg, and Michael Duvigneau.
Renew - Architecture Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 1.5 edition, May 2001.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Olaf Kummer, Frank Wienberg, and Michael Duvigneau.
Renew - XML Format Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 1.5 edition, May 2001.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Olaf Kummer, Daniel Moldt, and Frank Wienberg.
XML and Petri nets - following the forces.
In Rémi Bastide, Jonathan Billington, Ekkart Kindler, Fabrice
Kordon, and Kjeld H. Mortensen, editors, Meeting on XML/SGML based
Interchange Formats for Petri Nets, Aarhus, Denmark, 21st International
Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets at Aarhus, Denmark, June
26-30, pages 13-17. Aarhus University, 2000.
Verfügbar unter url http://www.daimi.au.dk/pn2000/Interchange/.
Olaf Kummer and Frank Wienberg.
The XML file format of Renew.
In Meeting on XML/SGML based Interchange Formats for Petri
Nets, Aarhus, Denmark, 2000.
Verfügbar unter
Olaf Kummer, Frank Wienberg, and Michael Duvigneau.
Renew - User Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 1.4 edition, November 2000.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Olaf Kummer, Frank Wienberg, and Michael Duvigneau.
Renew - User Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 1.3 edition, September 2000.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Olaf Kummer and Frank Wienberg.
Renew - User Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 1.2 edition, May 2000.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Olaf Kummer.
Tight integration of Java and Petri nets.
In Jörg Desel and Andreas Oberweis, editors, 6. Workshop
Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze, pages 30-35. J.W.
Goethe-Universität, Institut für Wirtschaftinformatik, Frankfurt am
Main, 1999.
Olaf Kummer and Frank Wienberg.
Renew - User Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 1.1 edition, October 1999.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Olaf Kummer and Frank Wienberg.
Renew - User Guide.
University of Hamburg, Faculty of Informatics, Theoretical
Foundations Group, Hamburg, release 1.0 edition, March 1999.
Available at: http://www.renew.de/.
Olaf Kummer.
Simulating synchronous channels and net instances.
In Jörg Desel, Peter Kemper, Ekkart Kindler, and Andreas
Oberweis, editors, Forschungsbericht Nr. 694: 5. Workshop Algorithmen
und Werkzeuge für Petrinetze, number Forschungsbericht Nr. 694, pages
73-78. Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Dortmund, 1998.