Felix Simmendinger, Lawrence Cabac
, Michael Duvigneau, and Nicolas Knaak.
Controlling OSGi bundles with Petri nets.
In Moldt et al. , Proceedings of the International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE'07), pages 220-225.
Software engineering of plugin-based applications suffers from structural problems when composing the application involves larger sets of plugins. It then becomes a hideous task to understand the way data- and control-flow is distributed over the plugins and it complicates further prototyping and integration of extensions. In the example of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP), situations arise where an abstract layer for managing the interactions between plugins in a workflow manner could ease the development of extensions or the integration of third-party plugins. This paper introduces Petri nets as a means for rapid prototyping of applications modularized on the base of the OSGi platform, which is the core of the Eclipse RCP. As an example, we show how Petri nets can be applied to control workflows in a plugin-based scientific application built upon Eclipse.
@InProceedings{Simmendinger+07, author = {Simmendinger, Felix and Cabac, Lawrence and Duvigneau, Michael and Knaak, Nicolas}, title = {Controlling {OSGi} Bundles with {Petri} Nets}, pages = {220--225}, year = 2007, crossref = {Moldt+-e-07}, abstract = {Software engineering of plugin-based applications suffers from structural problems when composing the application involves larger sets of plugins. It then becomes a hideous task to understand the way data- and control-flow is distributed over the plugins and it complicates further prototyping and integration of extensions. In the example of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP), situations arise where an abstract layer for managing the interactions between plugins in a workflow manner could ease the development of extensions or the integration of third-party plugins. This paper introduces Petri nets as a means for rapid prototyping of applications modularized on the base of the OSGi platform, which is the core of the Eclipse RCP. As an example, we show how Petri nets can be applied to control workflows in a plugin-based scientific application built upon Eclipse.}, } @Proceedings{Moldt+-e-07, title = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on {Petri} Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE'07)}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on {Petri} Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE'07)}, editor = {Moldt, Daniel and Kordon, Fabrice and van Hee, Kees and Colom, Jos{\'e}-Manuel and Bastide, R{\'e}mi}, month = jun, year = 2007, publisher = {Akademia Podlaska}, address = {Siedlce, Poland} }