For the most recent entries see the
Petri Nets Newsletter.
Gabarro - Gyurov
- Gabarro, J. (2 entries)
- Gabillard, R. (1 entry)
- Gabillon, A. (1 entry)
- Gabriel Alves, J. (1 entry)
- Gacovski, Z.M. (1 entry)
- Gaeta, R. (19 entries)
- Gäfvert, M. (1 entry)
- Gagov, Z. (1 entry)
- Gaivoronski, A. (1 entry)
- Gajewski, M. (2 entries)
- Gajewsky, M. (13 entries)
- Gallard, R.H. (1 entry)
- Gallasch, G. (5 entries)
- Gallasch, G.E. (7 entries)
- Gallego, J.L. (1 entry)
- Galli de Paratesi, G. (1 entry)
- Gallon, L. (1 entry)
- Gallucci, P. (1 entry)
- Galvani, L. (1 entry)
- Gama, L. (1 entry)
- Ganesh, L.S. (1 entry)
- Gang, S.L. (2 entries)
- Gang, W. (1 entry)
- Gansner, M. (1 entry)
- Gao, C. (1 entry)
- Gao, G. (1 entry)
- Gao, G.R. (2 entries)
- Gao, J. (4 entries)
- Gao, M. (2 entries)
- Gao, S. (5 entries)
- Garavel, H. (2 entries)
- Garay, J.A. (1 entry)
- Garbov, S. (1 entry)
- García-Cabrera, L. (1 entry)
- Garcia, E. (1 entry)
- García Escalle, P. (2 entries)
- García, F. (2 entries)
- Garcia-Fornes, A. (1 entry)
- Garcia, F.J. (1 entry)
- Garcia, M.E. (1 entry)
- García, M.N.M. (1 entry)
- García-Vallés, F. (11 entries)
- Gardan, Y. (1 entry)
- Gardarin, G. (2 entries)
- Gardey, G. (3 entries)
- Gargantini, A. (1 entry)
- Gargov, G. (3 entries)
- Gargov, G.K. (5 entries)
- Garg, A. (1 entry)
- Garg, K. (4 entries)
- Garg, M.L. (1 entry)
- Garg, S. (4 entries)
- Garg, V.K. (6 entries)
- Garnier, R. (1 entry)
- Garnousset, H.E. (1 entry)
- Garrett, C.J. (1 entry)
- Garrido, J.L. (1 entry)
- Garside, J.D. (1 entry)
- Garsva, E. (1 entry)
- Gasevic, D. (13 entries)
- Gasitashvili, Z.A. (1 entry)
- Gaspari, M. (1 entry)
- Gastin, P. (1 entry)
- Gatziu, S. (2 entries)
- Gaubert, S. (6 entries)
- Gaudel, M.-C. (1 entry)
- Gaujal, B. (12 entries)
- Gau, C.-H. (1 entry)
- Gaylord, B.C. (1 entry)
- Gea, M. (1 entry)
- Gecsei, J. (1 entry)
- Gedela, R. (1 entry)
- Gedela, R.K. (2 entries)
- Gehlot, V. (4 entries)
- Gehrke, J.E. (1 entry)
- Geidel, D. (1 entry)
- Geisler, R. (1 entry)
- Geissler, J. (1 entry)
- Geist, R. (2 entries)
- Geist, R.M. (6 entries)
- Gelenbe, E. (3 entries)
- Geleva, A. (1 entry)
- Geller, J.B. (1 entry)
- Gelsema, T. (2 entries)
- Genc, S. (1 entry)
- Gennaro, R. (1 entry)
- Genolini, S. (1 entry)
- Genrich, H. (2 entries)
- Genrich, H.J. (38 entries)
- Genter, W.L. (1 entry)
- Gentina, J.C. (22 entries)
- Georganas, N.D. (2 entries)
- George, A. (1 entry)
- George, B.L. (1 entry)
- George, C.W. (1 entry)
- Georgiadis, P.I. (1 entry)
- Georgiev, A. (2 entries)
- Georgiev, P. (5 entries)
- Georgiev, P.R. (6 entries)
- Geppert, A. (1 entry)
- Gepting, A. (1 entry)
- Gerber, P. (1 entry)
- Gerhards, B. (1 entry)
- Gerhardt, H.D. (2 entries)
- Gerhard, E. (3 entries)
- Gerlach, H. (2 entries)
- Gerlach, O. (2 entries)
- German, R. (19 entries)
- Gernert, D. (1 entry)
- Gerogiannis, V.C. (2 entries)
- Gerrand, P.H. (2 entries)
- Gerstner, V. (1 entry)
- Gerth, R. (1 entry)
- Gervais, M.-P. (1 entry)
- Gerzson, M. (4 entries)
- Ge, J. (1 entry)
- Ge, L. (1 entry)
- Ge, Q.W. (6 entries)
- Ghaffari, A. (1 entry)
- Ghafoor, A. (2 entries)
- Ghafoor, H. (1 entry)
- Ghalwash, A.Z. (2 entries)
- Ghanta, S. (4 entries)
- Gherbi, M. (1 entry)
- Ghestem, H. (1 entry)
- Ghezzi, C. (7 entries)
- Ghezzi, G. (1 entry)
- Ghinea, G. (1 entry)
- Ghiotto, M. (1 entry)
- Ghodsi, M. (1 entry)
- Ghosal, D. (3 entries)
- Ghosh, D. (1 entry)
- Ghosh, I. (1 entry)
- Ghosh, S. (8 entries)
- Giambiasi, N. (2 entries)
- Giandomenico, F.D. (2 entries)
- Gibaud, F. (1 entry)
- Gibilisco, F. (1 entry)
- Giehl, H. (1 entry)
- Gier, K. (1 entry)
- Giesel, D. (1 entry)
- Giese, H. (12 entries)
- Giessler, A. (3 entries)
- Giglio, D. (2 entries)
- Giglmayr, J. (7 entries)
- Gilbert, D. (1 entry)
- Gildea, K. (2 entries)
- Gildea, K.J. (1 entry)
- Gile, M. (1 entry)
- Gile, M.R. (1 entry)
- Gillet, P. (2 entries)
- Gilliers, F. (1 entry)
- Gillon, J. (4 entries)
- Gill, J.A. (1 entry)
- Gilmore, S. (4 entries)
- Gilmour, J.A. (1 entry)
- Giloi, W.K. (2 entries)
- Ginzburg, A. (5 entries)
- Giolito, P. (6 entries)
- Giordana, A. (1 entry)
- Giovanni, R. -> di Giovanni, R.
- Girardot, J.-J. (1 entry)
- Girault, C. (20 entries)
- Girod, J.J. (1 entry)
- Gischer, J. (1 entry)
- Gisiger, H.P. (4 entries)
- Giua, A. (43 entries)
- Giulieri, A. (1 entry)
- Glabbeek, R. -> van Glabbeek, R.
- Glabbeek, R.J. -> van Glabbeek, R.J.
- Glaser, L.A. (1 entry)
- Glasserman, P. (1 entry)
- Glausch, A. (2 entries)
- Glesner, M. (4 entries)
- Gloring, G. (1 entry)
- Gluckman, J. (1 entry)
- Glueer, D. (1 entry)
- Gobzemis, A.Y. (3 entries)
- Goch, G. (1 entry)
- Godbersen, H. (1 entry)
- Godbersen, H.P. (11 entries)
- Godfrey, P. (2 entries)
- Godlewska, J. (1 entry)
- Goede, K. (1 entry)
- Goedicke, M. (2 entries)
- Goel, P.S. (2 entries)
- Goeman, H.J.M. (2 entries)
- Goetz, J. (2 entries)
- Gois, G.M. (1 entry)
- Gokhale, S.S. (1 entry)
- Golan, J.S. (1 entry)
- Goldbogen, G. (1 entry)
- Goldstein, A. (1 entry)
- Gold, R. (6 entries)
- Golenkov, E.A. (2 entries)
- Golinski, J. (2 entries)
- Golin, E.J. (1 entry)
- Goliot, A. (1 entry)
- Golovin, Y.A. (4 entries)
- Goltz, U. (28 entries)
- Golze, U. (1 entry)
- Gomaa, A. (2 entries)
- Gomaa, H. (3 entries)
- Gomes, L. (13 entries)
- Gómez-Martínez, E. (2 entries)
- Gomide, F. (2 entries)
- Gomis, O. (1 entry)
- Gomm, D. (7 entries)
- Gonçalves, E.M.N. (1 entry)
- Goncharov, M.V. (2 entries)
- Gondzio, M. (6 entries)
- Gongiu, S. (1 entry)
- Gong, B. (1 entry)
- Gong, D.- (1 entry)
- Gong, H.- (1 entry)
- Gonnet, S. (1 entry)
- Gonzales, A. (1 entry)
- Gonzalez, A. (1 entry)
- Gonzalez-Castolo, J.C. (1 entry)
- Gonzalez, F. (1 entry)
- González Harbour, M. (1 entry)
- Goosens, M. (1 entry)
- Gopalakrishnan, G.C. (1 entry)
- Gopalan, M. (1 entry)
- Gordijn, J. (1 entry)
- Gordon, A.D. (1 entry)
- Gordon, S. (8 entries)
- Gorgônio, K. (1 entry)
- Gorgônio, K.C. (1 entry)
- Gorlatch, S. (1 entry)
- Gorrieri, R. (11 entries)
- Gorshkov, A.F. (1 entry)
- Gorton, I. (1 entry)
- Goseva-Popstojanova, K. (1 entry)
- Gosh, S. (2 entries)
- Goss, P.J.E. (2 entries)
- Gostelow, K. (1 entry)
- Gotesman, M. (3 entries)
- Gotthardt, K. (1 entry)
- Gottschalk, W. (3 entries)
- Gottumukkala, R.N. (1 entry)
- Götze, S. (1 entry)
- Goubault, E. (1 entry)
- Gouda, M.G. (1 entry)
- Goud, R. (1 entry)
- Gouet, R. (1 entry)
- Gourgand, M. (2 entries)
- Gouscos, D. (4 entries)
- Gouzenes, L. (1 entry)
- Gou, H. (3 entries)
- Goverde, R.R.H.M.J. (1 entry)
- Govindarajan, R. (5 entries)
- Graaf, M. -> van de Graaf, M.
- Graaf, M.C.A. -> van de Graaf, M.C.A.
- Grabner, J. (2 entries)
- Grabowski, G. (1 entry)
- Grabowski, J. (10 entries)
- Grabska, E. (2 entries)
- Gracanin, D. (1 entry)
- Gracio, H. (1 entry)
- Graf, J. (6 entries)
- Graham, I. (1 entry)
- Grahlmann, B. (16 entries)
- Grall, P. (1 entry)
- Grams, T. (1 entry)
- Granda, M. (1 entry)
- Grandoni, F. (3 entries)
- Granter, J. (1 entry)
- Grant, D.M. (1 entry)
- Grant, E. (3 entries)
- Grant, E.S. (5 entries)
- Grasso, R. (1 entry)
- Graubmann, P. (5 entries)
- Graves, B. (1 entry)
- Gray, J.G. (1 entry)
- Grecco, A.J. (1 entry)
- Greene, J. (1 entry)
- Greenyer, J. (1 entry)
- Grefen, P. (4 entries)
- Gregan, A. (1 entry)
- Gregorio, J.A. (4 entries)
- Gregor, M. (1 entry)
- Greiner, S. (2 entries)
- Grenier, C. (1 entry)
- Gresser, J. (1 entry)
- Gressier, E. (1 entry)
- Grevet, J.L.M. (5 entries)
- Gribaudo, M. (22 entries)
- Griebler, H. (2 entries)
- Griese, W. (2 entries)
- Gries, M. (1 entry)
- Grigoryan, A.K. (1 entry)
- Grill, E. (1 entry)
- Grinewitschus, V. (1 entry)
- Grinzato, G.F. (1 entry)
- Grivet, S. (2 entries)
- Grode, J. (1 entry)
- Groenwegen, L.P.J. (2 entries)
- Grönberg, P. (1 entry)
- Gronewold, A. (2 entries)
- Groote, P. -> de Groote, P.
- GroÑe-Rhode, M. (1 entry)
- Grosspietsch, K.E. (2 entries)
- Grote, W. (1 entry)
- Grotzinger, S. (3 entries)
- Grover, D. (2 entries)
- Groz, R. (1 entry)
- Grude, U. (3 entries)
- Gruhn, V. (15 entries)
- Grumberg, O. (1 entry)
- Grünbacher, H. (1 entry)
- Grunder, O. (2 entries)
- Grützner, R. (6 entries)
- Guadalupi, P. (1 entry)
- Guan, S.U. (1 entry)
- Guan, T.S. (1 entry)
- Guan, X. (2 entries)
- Guarro, S.B. (1 entry)
- Guasch, A. (1 entry)
- Gubala, T. (1 entry)
- Gubian, P. (1 entry)
- Gückel, H. (2 entries)
- Guelfi, N. (15 entries)
- Guercio, A. (1 entry)
- Guerin, F. (1 entry)
- Guerraoui, R. (1 entry)
- Guerra, E. (1 entry)
- Guerrero, D.D.S. (2 entries)
- Guerrero, D.S. (1 entry)
- Guglielmi, A. (1 entry)
- Guha, R. (1 entry)
- Guha, R.K. (3 entries)
- Guia, A. (2 entries)
- Guidacci Da Silverira, G. (1 entry)
- Guidez, G. (1 entry)
- Guilhem, E. (1 entry)
- Guillaume, B. (1 entry)
- Guillou, G. (2 entries)
- Gulden, S.L. (1 entry)
- Gunawardena, J. (2 entries)
- Gunes, V. (3 entries)
- Güngörb, A. (1 entry)
- Güngör, A. (2 entries)
- Gunnarsson, J. (1 entry)
- Gunter, C. (2 entries)
- Guoliang, Z. (2 entries)
- Guo, D. (1 entry)
- Guo, D.L. (5 entries)
- Guo, W. (1 entry)
- Guo, Y. (2 entries)
- Guo, Y.-N. (1 entry)
- Guo, Z.- (1 entry)
- Gupta, I.S. (1 entry)
- Gupta, P.V. (2 entries)
- Gupta, R.K. (1 entry)
- Gupta, S.M. (5 entries)
- Gurevich, D.S. (1 entry)
- Güroðlu, S. (3 entries)
- Gurovic, D. (1 entry)
- Gurov, D. (1 entry)
- Gurov, D.B. (1 entry)
- Gurr, D. (5 entries)
- Gustafson, D.A. (1 entry)
- Gustavson, A. (5 entries)
- Gutiérrez-Robles, A. (1 entry)
- Gutnik, G. (2 entries)
- Guyot, J. (1 entry)
- Gu, J. (1 entry)
- Gu, Q. (1 entry)
- Gu, T. (10 entries)
- Gu, Z.-M. (1 entry)
- Gyapay, S. (1 entry)
- Gyergyek, L. (1 entry)
- Györy, G. (2 entries)
- Gyuroff, D. (3 entries)
- Gyurov, P. (4 entries)
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