FsrProtocol20241113 ENG

Aus Fachschaft_Informatik
Version vom 17. Dezember 2024, 14:49 Uhr von 3pralle (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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  • Attendees: Tom, Louis, Jannis, Maddin, Fabio, Can, Henrik, Benny, Philipp, Leon, Niklas, Svea, Sina, Guests: Freddy, Lilly, Hauke, Jonas, Jens
  • Quorum: 13/14 #t
  • Transcript Writer: Louis
  • Date: 20.11.2024
  • Begin: 19:05 (Nach hinten verschoben wegen Neu-Orga Treffen der OE)
  • End: 20:14
  • Location: G-134/Discord


  • Political messages on the Mafiasi Dashboard
  • Political stance of the FSR
  • Mark furniture for moving
  • Past week
  • Winter seminar planning
  • BaStL-meeting
  • Other


  • AG fair
  • FSR Informiert English version
  • Drink prices
  • Update: connecting with other STEM faculties
  • Funding for AGs (stundent clubs)
  • Spam in the Wiki
  • Which emails are forwarded

Political messages on the Mafiasi Dashboard[Bearbeiten]

  • The Server AG wanted to add a small toast with political messages on the Mafiasi Dashboard; this pull request was stopped by Tom
  • The FSR decided in the last meeting to avoid making political statements wherever possible
  • Certain messages are particularly troubling to us
  • Tom consulted the HoPo department: It is generally acceptable for the FSR to take political positions. However, they should focus on specific statements or actions rather than criticising parties or individuals
  • The Server AG is okay with modifying individual messages.
  • Freddy says that it is not sensible for the FSR to remain entirely apolitical, as this would prevent support for causes like TV-Stud
  • Additionally the FSR Informatik has previously taken political action on several occasions
  • Tom says that intrusive political messages don't belong on a neutral dashboard page; such decisions should be made in a general assembly of the faculty
  • On the other hand, the toast was made to not be intentionally intrusive
  • Lilly believes it is important to use available spaces to clearly show the faculty's values. Failing to oppose far-right positions essentially condones them
  • Maddin says Mafiasi should not exclude anyone. Lilly responds that the messages do not exclude anyone from using Mafiasi
  • Hauke says the faculty is inherently political and can take positions. However, such positions should represent the whole faculty, rather than being prominently displayed on Mafiasi by a few individuals
  • Tom sees this as misuse of Mafiasi, advocating that such issues should be decided in a general assembly
  • Philipp notes that less popular views could also be promoted by individuals, suggesting community guidelines for this
  • Lilly counters that, aside from the Wiki, Mafiasi does not have much user-generated content. Only confirmed members of the Server AG can post content outside the Wiki
  • Freddy proposes discussing political values in a future general assembly to establish a faculty position. This decision could include how such positions are displayed
  • Jonas argues Mafiasi should remain a neutral platform without political messages, suggesting these could go on subpages instead
  • Freddy counters that, despite this, it would still make sense through a joint decision by the student council. Additionally, such an action loses its impact if it is not sufficiently visible.
  • Tom suggests continuing the discussion in the general assembly.
  • Freddy warns against appearing apolitical, as this may prevent support for meaningful actions
  • Can emphasizes the importance of a clear stance against far-right ideologies while keeping the dashboard neutral
  • Freddy notes that a clear political alignment can make the FSR approachable for discrimination cases
  • Sina adds that international students often don’t know they can contact the FSR with issues
  • Philipp says that the last meeting's discussion might not have been fully conveyed in the brief notes.
  • Lilly proposes a compromise: instead of freezing the issue until the next general assembly, a more neutral, less loaded statement could be displayed on the Mafiasi Dashboard, referring to the FSR and the university's anti-discrimination office
  • Freddy supports this and suggests creating a working group to address discrimination issues among (international) students
  • Lilly will prepare an implementation of her proposal and reach out again.
  • We will continue discussing this next week.

Political stance of the FSR[Bearbeiten]

  • The FSR will criticise individual actions and positions rather than broadly opposing the BAE group.
  • Freddy warns that any collaboration with BAE can be very risky.
  • Several student councils were dominated by BAE for years, leading to blocked resources (finances, rooms) for affected faculties.
  • Our FSR once had a BAE member who was unwilling to step down voluntarily.
  • While not everything BAE does is bad, Freddy urges caution as they can create significant trouble.
  • Tom suggests a "BAE History Lesson" to inform new FSR members about the group.
  • It is also important to share this knowledge with the faculty.
  • Hauke notes that BAE will be closer geographically after the move to the new Ikum building.
  • Jonas proposes a formal incompatibility resolution to simplify rejecting BAE involvement.
  • Freddy warns against direct conflict, as BAE employs exhausting tactics.
  • Freddy reiterates that the issue is less about BAE's political stance and more about their extreme methods.
  • General recommendation from Tom: Research BAE and read experiences to gain insight.
  • We thank Freddy for his input and would be happy if he could join the history lesson.

Marking furniture for the move[Bearbeiten]

  • Tom provides an update on the move. The clearing date is late January, so furniture for disposal should be marked now
  • Can points out that the FSR has been barely involved in the planning and suggests pushing for more involvement. Meetings have not included us so far.
  • Tom has sent a relevant email today, hoping for inclusion in future planning meetings.
  • There’s hope we might get rooms at the MIN Forum.
  • Legally, the faculty is entitled to rooms, and two are insufficient.
  • While aware of the room shortage, we must push for more.
  • Jonas asks if there is a room concept for student AGs (e.g., Bit-Bots). It seems unlikely.

Past week[Bearbeiten]

  • Meeting time remains Wednesday at 18:00
  • Ikum-LAN AG received €50 for snacks
  • Drinks have been ordered
  • Tom completed the FSR poster.
  • A second mulled wine dispenser was approved; Tom will handle it.
  • Tom is working on a new lock for G-134.
  • FSR Informiert promotion via Community Announcements is in progress.
  • Leon drafted rules for refrigerator use; we will vote on them in the group chat.
  • Numerous emails were answered.
  • An email detailing active AGs in the faculty has been drafted but not yet sent.
  • Philipp added a new rule to the Wiki requiring new AGs to draft a short introduction for the Wiki.

Winter seminar planning[Bearbeiten]

  • Invitation drafted; RFC pending
  • Drink and food options have been optimised
  • Prices still need to be set
  • The token system will be used again. Requirting cards that will cost €30-40.
    • Approved unanimously.
  • Helper email coming soon
  • Karaoke-AG was contacted about organising karaoke
  • A contact grill for sandwiches will be purchased (€30-40)
    • Approved unanimously.


  • We aim to hold a BaStL meeting before Christmas
  • Tom will create a bit-poll


  • Future emails will first go through an RFC with a planned send date to fsr-inter@
  • FSR Informiert English version
  • Promote the kitchen
  • Jannis will arrange an advent calendar for the study office

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  • Attendees: Tom, Can, Louis, Niklas, Benny, Fabio, Leon, Maddin, Svea, Sina, Henrik, Justus, Philipp
  • Quorum: 13/14 #t
  • Transcript Writer: Louis
  • Date: 13.11.2024
  • Beginn: 18:00
  • End: 20:11
  • Location: G-134/Discord


  • Keys for G-134
  • Various permissions for FSR members
  • Pictures for the FSR poster
  • New Code for the Mafia room
  • Winter seminar
  • sr-vertraulich@ (confidential mailing address)
  • FSR Informiert (What’s app channel in Mafiasi community)
  • Rooms, rooms, rooms
  • Tasks from the general assembly (Vollversammlung)
  • New student clubs (AGs)
  • Scheduling FSR meetings

Keys for G-134[Bearbeiten]

  • Several keys for G-134 are around
  • We want them returned to the FSR and will email the relevant people
    • TODO Justus and Tom
  • The lock will also be replaced with a digital lock
    • TODO Tom

Various permissions for FSR members[Bearbeiten]

  • New FSR members should receive permissions for door locks, the Mafiasi group, etc.
  • Tom has sent out a document for everyone to fill out by Sunday

Pictures for the FSR poster[Bearbeiten]

  • Everyone should send Tom a picture for the FSR poster by Sunday. Otherwise, he will choose one

New Code for the Mafia Room[Bearbeiten]

  • The Mafia room code has been updated to ensure access is restricted to authorised people
  • The new code is available as usual in the Vault (vault.mafiasi.de)

Winter seminar[Bearbeiten]

  • The date has already been set for 13.12.2024
  • Jonas and Moritz want to organise it (Winterseminar-AG?))
  • Decision: The new Event Planning and Activities Group (EPAG) is responsible and will coordinate with Jonas and Moritz to divide tasks (Unanimously approved)


  • Need to clarify who will handle emails at fsr-vertraulich@
  • Svea and Benjamin will take care of this

FSR Informiert[Bearbeiten]

  • annis will continue handling the newsletter
  • How to provide an English version?
    • "english version below"?
    • Separate channel for the English version?
  • Promote FSR Informiert via Community Announcements (update group description with meeting times first)
    • TODO Tom
  • Write and send FSR Informiert posts
    • TODO annis will handle this again this semester

Rooms, Rooms, Rooms[Bearbeiten]

  • Tom is talking to people to get us more rooms

Tasks from the General Assembly[Bearbeiten]

Fridge from G-134 back to the ct[Bearbeiten]

  • Idea: Place fridge in kitchen
  • Many people don’t seem to know the kitchen exists
  • Idea: Everything in the fridge must be labelled with a name and date. Weekly checks to dispose of expired items
  • We have to set rules, move fridge to ct, provide a pen and attach it to the fridge
    • TODO Leon

Protocols have to be reliably uplaoded[Bearbeiten]

  • We decided that the person who wrote the protocol has to upload it
  • New members don’t know how to do this
  • Want to write a Guide How-To protocol in the Wiki
    • TODO Louis, Can

Clear Communication, Answering E-Mails[Bearbeiten]

  • We will generally read emails, but won’t reply to offers we’re not interested in
  • For such emails, we will respond in the future to indicate our lack of interest
    • TODO Justus will take care of this

Transparent decisions, quorum, and proper financial bookkeeping[Bearbeiten]

  • Decisions will be documented clearly in protocols and uploaded directly to the wiki
  • The quorum will be discussed later in the meeting
  • Financial bookkeeping will continue using Beancount

Improved communication of student club formations[Bearbeiten]

  • A new AG must introduce itself via an email to fs-inf@ (in both German and English)
  • We will send an info email to ?@ listing all active student clubs
  • Infomail fs-inf@
    • TODO Leon, Tom
  • Add to the wiki that new AGs must introduce themselves via email (in German and English)
    • TODO Philipp

Connect with other STEM faculties[Bearbeiten]

  • Idea: Host joint events or invite other faculties to our events
  • Idea: EPAG could invite other faculties to events
  • Idea: Some members will create a concept for networking and assign a contact person for other student councils
  • Niklas and Fabio will think of something

Criteria for allocating funds to AGs[Bearbeiten]

  • This will be discussed extensively in the next meeting

Clear stance on BAE, etc .[Bearbeiten]

  • Decisions on BAE group interactions will be made on a case-by-case basi
  • In general, we remain strongly opposed to any cooperation with BAE groups

Communication with faculty organisations[Bearbeiten]

  • It is unclear what is meant by this point
  • We will ask the OE organisation if they are interested in more collaboration
  • n general, all faculty organisations are welcome to approach us if interested


  • Currently, decisions made in the FSR group chat are not reflected in the protocols, and questions are harder to address
  • However group chat votes are faster
  • All votes will be recorded in the next protocol
  • Idea: Only accept unanimous group chat decisions?
  • Question: How to handle votes with many abstentions?
  • Decision: At least 50% of FSR members must participate for decisions to be valid. In-person: Decisions are approved by a simple majority. Votes in the group chat will last 24 hours and require an absolute majority. Upon request, unresolved group chat votes will be extended for discussion in the next meeting. Voting will then end 24 hours after the meeting. (Unanimously approved)

Scheduling FSR Meetings[Bearbeiten]

  • We will keep the Wednesday 6:00 PM time slot, but will confirm availability with absent members.
    • Todo Leon