KunterBuntesSeminar-WS11/Lightning Talks 2/Monkeysphere

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Dies ist der 13. Termin vom KunterBuntenSeminar im WS 2011/12.

Ort: Raum C-221 am Informatikum
Datum: 26. Januar 2012
Zeit: 19:45 bis 19:52

Dieser Lightning Talk wurde in der zweiten Lightning Talk Session des KunterBuntenSeminars im Wintersemester 2011 gehalten.


In diesem Vortrag wurde Monkeysphere vorgestellt.

Folien als Text[Bearbeiten]

What is a monkeysphere?[Bearbeiten]

  • Sorry it is not about animals like you might think
  • It is about us, living in a monkeysphere
  • It is about identifying someone as person
  • It is about your peers living in a monkeysphere
  • It is about authentication, as we need it for authorization andconfidentiality

Trust relationships[Bearbeiten]

Whom should we trust?

  • Should we trust some certificate authorities?
  • We do not know how they certificate some service
  • We even do not know them, do we?
  • Why not trust the people we already know and have relationship to?

adding services to the web of trust[Bearbeiten]

What we have is the Web of trust, that reflects trust relationships transitively.

  • People we know sign services like ssh, https
  • We use a service:
  • monkeysphere gets the keys
  • monkeysphere checks trust relations
  • monkeysphere grants us access to a service, if we do trust if we do not trust monkeysphere provides us with the old way

Extending the web of trust[Bearbeiten]

How does this work then?

  • create pgp-key with service-protocol and fqdn as uid
  • sign the pgp-key
  • export the pgp-key to the web of trust
  • let others sign the key

What do we get out of this?

  • trusting people we know to authenticate a service to us
  • getting around calling server administrators asking for fingerprints

This is how we create a key:[Bearbeiten]

monkeysphere−host import−key / etc / ssh / ssh_host_r sa_key ssh : // m o m o . e x a m p l e . o r g

That is what a key looks like:

 momo : / etc / ssh# monkeysphere−host show−key
 2048 R / EF569B13 2012−01−22
 ssh : // m o m o . e x a m p l e . o r g
 OpenPGP fingerprint : 2 B 4 1 5 2 5 D 5 2 E 6 1 8 8 B A 8 3 6 B 2 B 7 7 D C 7 E F 2 1 E F 5 6 9 B 1 3
 ssh fingerprint : 2048 6 7 : cf : a1 : 7 3 : 8 9 : d2 : 5 2 : a8 : 7 7 : 9 0 : 9 8 : 1 f : f6 : 6 b : f0 : dc ( RSA )

Quellen und Dokumentation[Bearbeiten]

Es ist hilfreich die Dokumentation gewissenhaft durchzulesen. Die Dokumentation findet ihr unter den Weblinks.


momo: Ich bin per jabber (post@bjoernb.org) oder mail (4bewersd@inf) zu erreichen, oder ab und an im c.t..


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