FsrProtocol20250129 ENG
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- Attendees: Henrik (until 18:45), Benny, Justus, Niklas, Fabio, Tom, Maddin, Jannis, Sarah (guest), Svea (from 17:45), Can (from 17:45), Philipp (from 18:00), Sina (from 18:08)
- Quorum: Yes/14 #t
- Transcript writer: Jannis (initially Maddin)
- Date: 29.01.2025
- Begin: 17:30
- End 19:00
- Location: G-133
Last Week[Bearbeiten]
- still no response from the Awareness Team
- faculty meeting for the Ikum move next year
Awareness Team[Bearbeiten]
- we have received very irregular responses
- as a last attempt, we want to send out a bitpoll for a joint meeting (in person or digital) and personally approach members to ask them
- we as FSR see ourselves responsible for providing contact persons at events. If the current Awareness Team does not respond, we must provide contact persons ourselves. However, we hope that the Awareness Team will still respond and work with us to make our events a safe space for everyone
- vote: we give them time, otherwise we send out a bitpoll and approach members personally (yes: 9, abstention: 1, no: 3)
- (the no-votes were in favor of only sending a bitpoll)
Visit from Sarah from Movement Science[Bearbeiten]
- Sarah from Movement Science (research associate)
- presents a project for more movement in student daily life
- especially focused on faculties further from the main campus (computer science/biology)
- "ergofox" as a cooperation partner (third-party funding) to develop an "axilegame" (similar to Wii Sports)
- the whole thing will function via a "workstation" with a webcam-like camera to analyze movement
- we are asked to distribute a QR code to students for a pre-survey to determine needs for the game (open-world, SP vs MP)
- implementation is planned from summer to winter semester, followed by a post-survey
- initially a pilot project to reach people where they are
- specific requests
- distribution of the survey via our social media
- posters in the cafeteria/CT/PC pools
- space for the "workstation" (open vs closed space)
- we also suggest Sarah contact HCI as it seems thematically fitting
- Niklas performs a live demo of the software prototype
- we generally have no objections but refer her first to the faculty leadership for clarification
New Ikum Meeting[Bearbeiten]
- Henrik and Tom attended the moving kickoff on Monday
- an inspection of the old Ikum for inventory will take place
Guideline for AG Funding[Bearbeiten]
- Justus presents a new draft
- vote: we accept the draft with minor adjustments (yes: 11, abstention: 0, no: 1)
- Justus will make final adjustments and send it to the WA group for approval (as there is no meeting next week)
Our Social Media Presence[Bearbeiten]
- some AGs have already responded and even sent draft posts
- Justus would like to be present on other platforms that do not belong to the Meta group (WhatsApp and Instagram)
- suggest alternative platforms TODO: Justus
Cleaning up the Student Council Rooms[Bearbeiten]
- Justus wants to clean up the student council rooms to create a better learning atmosphere for all students
- Dart-AG would like to purchase a dartboard and darts (~30€)
- the AG should first clarify with the service team if/where this can be mounted
- if permission is granted, we will vote on the funds in the WA group
Can reports from the Library Committee[Bearbeiten]
- we want to raise awareness that student theses can now increasingly be published by the library
- draft email to @stud TODO: Can
Next Meeting Dates[Bearbeiten]
- we will not have regular meetings during the semester break, but special meetings will be held if necessary
- the meeting schedule may change next semester; we will inform via email and FSR Informiert if needed
- we will conduct a bitpoll to find a suitable date (TODO:)