FsrProtocol20241204 ENG
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- Attendees: Henrik, Benny, Louis, Leon, Tom, Fabio, Niklas, Maddin, Jannis, Svea, Sina, Philipp
- Quorum: 11/15 #t
- Transcript Writer: Tom
- Date: 04.12.2024
- Begin: 18.00
- End: 19:04
- Location: G-134/Discord
- Last Week (old TODOS)
- Winter Seminar Planning (Prices, ...)
- New Ikum
- Server AG
- Complaint KBS
- Committee Occupations
- Jens is present as a guest
Last Week[Bearbeiten]
- "FSR Informiert" post has not been made yet
- Will be done, but Sina lacked the necessary permissions (TODO: Tom to grant permissions)
- Merge request: Leon was supposed to draft a text; still not done
- Drink prices evaluation to take place tomorrow
- Mail template for AG founding was created
- Several mails were answered
Winter Seminar[Bearbeiten]
- Epag needs to contact the service team to ask if smoke detectors can be turned off
- Pricing will be done next week
- There is a meeting for it tomorrow
- Other faculties are invited (Biology, Physics)
- Quantities will likely need adjustments as we expect significantly more attendees
- Considering reducing food options if the attendance is much higher
- We have far too few helpers
- Considering not advertising the event
- Last year it was already very crowded
- With more faculties, managing quantities could become challenging
- Vote: (Do we want to uninvite the others?) 6 Yes, 4 No, 2 Abstentions
- We'll say that we lack the capacity for such a large number of people
New ikum[Bearbeiten]
- Tom and Henrik attended Monday’s meeting with all professors where everything was presented
- We were invited to future events afterward
- There’s a preliminary room plan
- Some rooms can’t be fully utilised due to lighting issues; only students can use them because workplace safety regulations don’t apply to us
- maybe we can take over administration of them
- We want to attend a site visit (Tom will handle it)
- BitBots want to be informed; we could send a mail
- HiTec is coming after allt
Server AG[Bearbeiten]
- A lot has happened
- Tom gave an update
- Server AG doesn't like the FSR deciding "top-down" on the design
- Much discussion occurred, but we won’t document it all here
- Lilly pointed out a problem: News content is hard to notice on mobile and gets buried quickly
- We still prefer a less "intrusive" mobile message
- TODO: Send a mail with a concrete proposal and screenshot
- Proposal: Use News and move News to the top on mobile (TODO: Tom with RFC)
Complaint KBS[Bearbeiten]
- Last week, KBS simply didn’t happen without any notice
- A complaint was made
- Our stance: It can happen, as long as it doesn’t happen frequently
- Svea wants to create an Instagram account
- What should the content be? Advertising, news, etc.
- Tom will check the guidelines
- Vote: Yes[8] No [0] Abstentions [4]
- Tom create an account using the FSR mail (backup with intern) and will make it available in the vault
Committee Occupations[Bearbeiten]
- There are many positions to fill
- We still have over 30 vacant positions
- Our FBR representatives request advertising for these positions