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Modelling Distributed Real-Time Systems for Performance Evaluation Using Timed Petri Nets.

Zurawski, R.

In: Proceedings of the Conference on Computing Systems and Information Technology, 1989, Sydney, NSW, Australia; Preprints of Papers, pages 60-63. Barton, ACT, Australia: Instn. Eng. Australia, 1989.

Abstract: The paper introduces timed Petri nets. Three types of timed Petri nets are discussed, namely: deterministic timed Petri nets, stochastic Petri nets and deterministic stochastic Petri nets. A simple communication protocol is used to illustrate performance-orientated modelling with these three types of Petri nets. GreatSPN, a software tool suitable for analytical performance evaluation, is briefly reviewed.

Keywords: modelling distributed real-time systems (for) performance evaluation (using) timed nets; timed net; deterministic timed net; stochastic net; deterministic stochastic net; communication protocol; performance-orientated modelling; GreatSPN, net tool.

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