In: Technical Report No. 9601. Department of Computer Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Canada A1B 3X5, 1996. Available at
Abstract: A collection of software tools, TPN-tools, for analysis of timed Petri nets, developed over years of extensions, modifications and redesigns, contains several tools for structural and reachability analysis of net models. As both structural and reachability analyses impose certain restrictions on the class of analyzed nets, a simulation tool, TPNsim, has recently been added to the collection. All these tools use the same (internal) representation of nets, so the integration of different tools is quite straightforward. This report describes the specification of timed Petri net models used by TPN-tools. It discusses the structure of specifications (i.e., the `input language'), provides several examples of net descriptions, and discusses the internal representation of net models used by the tools. Presented model descriptions are rather `low-level', and it is expected that a more convenient graphical user interface will be developed (or adopted) at some later time.
Keywords: TPN-tools, software tools, timed Petri nets.