In: Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 12, No. 7, pages 341-353. 1999.
Abstract: Despite the fact that there has been a surge of publications in verification and validation of knowledge-based systems and expert systems in the past decade, there are still gaps in the study of verification and validation (V&V) of expert systems, not the least of which is the lack of appropriate semantics for expert system programming languages. Without a semantics, it is hard to formally define and analyze knowledge base anomalies such as inconsistency and redundancy, and it is hard to assess the effectiveness of V&V tools, methods and techniques that have been developed or proposed. In this paper, we develop an approximate declarative semantics for rule-based knowledge bases and provide a formal definition and analysis of knowledge base inconsistency, redundancy, circularity and incompleteness in terms of theories in the first order predicate logic. In the paper, we offer classifications of commonly found cases of inconsistency, redundancy, circularity and incompleteness. Finally, general guidelines on how to remedy knowledge base anomalies are given.
Keywords: Petri nets, circularity, expert systems, incompleteness, knowledge base anomalies, knowledge base verification, knowledge inconsistency, redundancy.