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Generating Parallel Plans Based on Planning Graph Analysis of Predicate/Transition Nets.

Xu, Dianxiang; Volz, Richard A.; Ioerger, Thomas R.

In: Proc. of the 2002 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'02), pages 440-446. June 2002.

Abstract: Multi-agent systems often exhibit rich parallelism among agents. It is desirable in a multi-agent planner to explicitly represent parallel actions. This paper presents an approach for generating parallel execution plans based on the planning graph analysis. Instead of representing a planning problem by STRIPS operators, we model multi-agent planning domains using Predicate/Transition (PrT) nets (a high-level formalism of Petri nets), which are well suited for capturing dynamic behaviors of concurrent systems. We demonstrate that the planning graph analysis is adaptable for the analysis of PrT nets. Based on the planning graph analysis of a PrT net, a parallel plan with explicit representation of parallel actions can be automatically generated.

Keywords: predicate/transition nets, planning, agent, parallel plan.

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