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Performance Petri Net Analysis of Communications Protocol Software by Delay-Equivalent Aggregation.

Woodside, C. Murray; Li, Yao

In: Proc. 4th Int. Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM'91), Melbourne, Australia, pages 64-73. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, December 1991.

Abstract: Performance analysis of Petri net models is limited by state explosion in the underlying Markovian model. To overcome this problem, an iterative approximate technique is outlined, using a number of auxiliary models, each of much lover state complexity. It is demonstrated on a substantial model which represents a parallel implementation of tow layers of protocols for data communications. The model represents ten separate software tasks and their interactions via rendezvous, and is based on a testbed implementation in the laboratory. Submodels can be constructed in various ways, and this is illustrated with four different decompositions. Their state space complexity , solution time and solution accuracy are evaluated.

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