In: Computer Communications, Vol. 18, No. 7, pages 475-485. 1995.
Abstract: To illustrate how hypermedia applications are developed, details of a multimedia document architecture are first introduced, including the physical and logical structures of hypermedia, and its temporal requirements. The MH object classes of the Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding Expert Group (MHEG), an ISO standard, are then introduced in view of the heterogeneity of applications and platforms available. With reference to the latter, and an augmented Petri net model, we present a formal definition of the Multimedia Hypermedia Petri-Net model (MHPN). Through this proposed model, issues of authoring, rendering and the interaction of multimedia information (i.e. spatial-temporal relationships, stoppage, reverse display of a dynamic representation, and others, such as coauthoring and networking) can all be implemented. Moreover, based on the MHPN model, we describe an experimental object-oriented multimedia information system, called the Petri net Object Information System (POIS). We believe this offers considerable potential for the development of distributed hypermedia applications.
Keywords: Petri nets, document architecture, hypermedia applications, object-oriented models.