In: Knowledge Based Production Management Systems. Proceedings of the IFIP WG 5.7 Working Conference, 1988, Galway, Ireland, pages 95-103. Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland, 1989.
Abstract: A scheduling package for manufacturing systems, called PSB, is presented, whose knowledge base is composed of timed coloured Petri nets and conflict-solving rules. The Petri nets reflect the causal (or natural) rules, which are evaluated for both forward and backward scheduling by a simulator. Conflicts are solved with user stated criteria by means of algorithms and/or by an inference machine. The author describes the format of the frames which represent manufacturing systems' activities, states and goals and discusses the application of forward and backward scheduling.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; simulation; production scheduling system; scheduling package (for) manufacturing systems, PSB; timed coloured net; conflict-solving rule; inference machine; forward, backward scheduling.