In: Murray-Smith, D.; et al.: ESC 89. Proceedings of the 3rd European Simulation Congress, 1989, Edinburgh, UK, pages 113-116. Ghent, Belgium: SCS Eur., 1989.
Also in: S. Brinkemper and G. Wijers: Proceedings of the Workshop on the Next Generation of CASE-tools, pages 1-7. SERC, 1990.
Also in: Sol, H.G.; van Hee, K.M.: Dynamic Modelling of Information Systems, pages 227-236. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991.
Abstract: A framework is presented for the description of a certain class of systems called discrete event systems. The framework supports the development of prototypes and simulation models. It consists of an abstract model based on Petri nets, a language and a software tool for definition, checking and interactive simulation.
Keywords: interactive simulation; discrete event system.