In: 97: Proceedings of the Workshop on Petri Nets in System Engineering (PNSE'97), Hamburg, September 25-26, 1997 / Farwer, B.; Moldt, D.; Stehr, M.-O.: Report FBI-HH-B-205, pages 78-89. Universität Hamburg, September 1997.
Abstract: Workflow management systems facilitate the everyday operation of business processes by taking care of the logistic control of work. In contrast to traditional information systems, they attempt to support frequent changes of the workflows at hand. Therefore, the need for analysis methods to verify the correctness of workflows is becoming more prominent. In this paper we present a tool based on Petri nets: Woflan. Woflan (WOrkFLow ANalyzer) is an analysis tool which can be used to verify the correctness of a workflow procedure. The analysis tool uses state-of-the-art techniques to find potential errors in the definition of a workflow procedure.
Keywords: workflow management; workflow analysis; verification.