In: Donatelli, Susanna; Kleijn, Jetty: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1630: Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1999, 20th International Conference, ICATPN'99, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, pages 127-146. Springer-Verlag, June 1999.
Abstract: The ODP Trader provides a match-making service for Objects in an Open Distributed System. In previous work, a model of the Trader was created using Coloured Petri Nets, incorporating its capacity for standalone and co-operative Interworking amongst multiple Trader instances. In this paper, the CPN model of the Trader is analysedusing Equivalence Classes (for Occurrence Graph reduction) when the Trader is configured as a standalone entity servicing multiple requests concurrently. The Trader is also analysed in a number of interworking scenarios which are, in turn, used for reasoning about complex Trader interworking topologies.
Keywords: ODP Trader; Interworking; Coloured Petri Nets; Scenario Analysis.