In: Informatik-Berichte 69: Proceedings of 5th Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming - 96 (CSP'96), Institut fuer Informatik, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany., pages 190-204. 1996.
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the investigation of behavioural equivalences of concurrent systems modelled by Petri nets. The basic equivalence notions known from the literature are supplemented by new ones and examined for all class of nets as well as for their subclasses: sequential nets (nets without concurrent transitions), strictly labelled nets (which are isomorphic to unlabelled nets) and T-nets (nets without conflict transitions). A complete diagram of interrelations of the considered equivalences is obtained. In addition, the preservation of the equivalence notions by refinements is investigated, which allows one to consider the behaviour of nets on a lower abstraction level.
Keywords: concurrency; models; Petri nets; sequential nets; behavioural equivalences; bisimulation; refinement.