In: FIMU Report Series FIMU-RS-98-06, pages 184-198. July 1998. Janchar P., Kretinsk'y M., eds., Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University. Pre-proceedings of MFCS'98 Workshop on Concurrency, Brno, Czech Republic, August 27-29, 1998.;
Abstract: In this paper, we supplement the set of basic and back-forth behavioural equivalences for Petri nets considered by the author earlier with place bisimulation ones. The relationships of all the equivalence notions are examined, and their preservation by refinements is investigated to find out which of these relations may be used in top-down design. It is demonstrated that the place bisimulation equivalences may be used for the compositional and history preserving reduction of Petri nets.
Keywords: Petri nets; behavioural equivalences; place bisimulations; refinement.