In: Automatica, Vol. 34, No. 12, pages 1613-1615. 1998.
Abstract: The class of Independent, Increasing, Free-Choice Petri nets (II-FCPNs) was introduced in 1997 and it was shown that any II-FCPN can be made live via supervision using a readily available policy. In a live Petri net (PN) (Peterson (1981): Petri Net Theory and Modeling of systems, Reisig (1985): Petri Nets), it is possible to fire any transition from every reachable marking, although not necessarily immediately. In this paper we identify a class of PNs, where every transition is controllable, that are not necessarily II-FCPNs, that can be made live via supervision using a readily available policy constructed from the policy that enforces liveness in an II-FCPN.
Keywords: Petri nets, supervisory control, supervisory policies.