In: Agha, G.; De Cindio, F.: Proceedings of the Workshop on Object-Oriented Programming and Models of Concurrency, Torino, Italy, pages 51-62. June 1995.
Abstract: This paper is a technical presentation of SYROCO, a C++ based implementation of the Concurrent Object-Oriented Language CoOperative Objects (COOs). COOs are a fully Object-Oriented language, since they retain the important features of such languages: classification, instanciation, encapsulation, client/sever communication, inheritance, and dynamic use relationship. They also are a fully concurrent language, since they allow for concurrency both inside each Object and among the Objects of a system. The internal control structure of each Objects as well as the synchronizations between Objects rely on the Petri Net theory, whereas the data processing capabilities of Objects (their attributes and the code of their methods) rely on any data processing language. SYROCO is an implementation of COOs using the C++ language both to define the data processing aspect of Objects and to implement the Petri Nets which control their behaviours and interactions.