In: Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Computers and Their Applications, 25-27 March 1998, Honolulu, HA, pages 314-317. 1998.
Abstract: This paper describes how to present different multimedia objects on a multimedia abstract machine with a structured mechanism. The structural mechanism is based on a timed Petri net. The features of a Petri net are used to display the behavior of multimedia objects and to introduce the concepts of navigation messages of users in the timed Petri net model. The paper explains the algorithm of the proposed model. The main goal of this structural mechanism provides a feasible method to represent a schedule and the navigation of different multimedia objects with navigation messages of users. Users only input a data flow diagram and a control flow diagram to the multimedia abstract machine, and the system displays all situations of multimedia presentation. Users can dynamically change requests to result in different results during the multimedia presentation.
Keywords: asynchronous multimedia processing, timed Petri nets.