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Analyse and choice of optimum variants of control systems by application of Petri nets.

Shansagimow, B.; Schnieder, E.

In: Automatisierungstechnik Vol. 40, No. 6+7. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1992. In German.

Abstract: For the control of complex technical processes in most cases there exist several variants for the control instrumentation. The early choice of an optimum variant is very difficult, especially during the early phase. The reasons are i) the lack of characteristic values and measures for quality and ii) the problem of weighting their individual parameters for optimization. The paper deals with the aim to acquire the adjoint measures andvalues of quality and to quantizise each of it from the development and solution of an automation engineering task as the starting point. For the description on the control system on its different decomposation levels and their interrelations petri nets are applied. Simultaneously the methodological approach of analysing the variants is outlined. In order to define measures of quality and to calculate their values some rules are developed. By means of them one can compare variant schemes of complex control systems by use of specified weighting factors. The comparison ofthe solutions for a control system shows the application of the methodology.

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