Technical Report 90--020, pages 1-29 pp.. Berkeley, Calif., USA: International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), May 1990.
Also in: Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 15, No. 1, pages 43-62. April 1991.
Abstract: The specification language SEGRAS is centered on Predicate-Event nets (PrE-nets), a class of Petri nets with data tokens of an abstract data type. The Petri net specifies the behavioral aspects: the specification of data distribution and synchronization of function calls. The author gives a short formal introduction into the theory of PrE-nets, relates the algebraic semantics to the net-semantics and illustrates this relation. He then presents some recent theoretical results with respect to the liveness and safeness of these nets.
Keywords: predicate/event net, (analysis of); SEGRAS; abstract data typte; modular decomposition; net transformation; algebraic semantics; net semantics; liveness; safeness; data token.