In: Proc. 2nd Workshop on Hardware Design and Petri Nets (HWPN'99) of the 20th Int. Conf. on Application and Theory of Petri Nets (PN'99), 21 June 1999, Williamsburg, VA, pages 83-100. 1999.
Also in: Yakovlev, A.; Gomes, L.; Lavagno, L.: Hardware Design and Petri Nets, pages 51-74. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
Abstract: This paper presents a collection of basic Petri net operators that are being used to model communication networks and parallel computing systems. The basic motivation for this work has been the lack of standardized method of modeling computer and communication network architectures. Computer logic diagrams and logic diagrams are much too detailed to present concepts involving complete systems. The use of colored timed Petri nets provide a powerful method of representing the essence of parallel computing concepts. A concise abbreviated Petri net representation has been developed that allows modeling of very large systems.
Keywords: colored timed Petri nets, communication networks, parallel computer systems.