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Modeling and analysis of a mail processing plant using Petri nets.

Sawhney, A.; Abudayyeh, O.; Monga, A.

In: Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 30, No. 8, pages 543-549. 1999.

Abstract: This article outlines the utilization of Petri nets as a computerized process modeling and analysis tool for the study of the Edmonton Mail Processing Plant (MPP). Development of new systems or designing improvement in existing system-such as the MPP-are some of the challenges faced by decision makers and managers on a regular basis in the industry. In order to make prudent decisions, modeling and analysis of the underlying processes that constitute new or existing systems has become essential. Usually process modeling and analysis is performed by initially developing a graphical portrayal of the process and then by dynamically studying the response of the process to external and internal factors. In this article an overview of Petri net based process modeling and analysis is provided. Petri net is a formal graphical modeling tool that can be efficiently utilized as a process modeling and analysis tool because it can graphically portray and dynamically simulate a process in an integrated manner. The objective of this article is to highlight the symbolic graphic format and dynamic simulation capabilities of Petri nets. The article contributes significantly in the area of computer based decision making and provides value to practicing engineers and project managers who manage complex tasks.

Keywords: Petri nets, decision making, process analysis, process modeling, simulation.

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