In: Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Vol. 30, No. 1--5; Proceedings of the Sixteenth EUROMICRO Symposium on Microprocessing and Microprogramming (EUROMICRO 90), 1990, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pages 389-396. August 1990.
Abstract: This paper considers the specification and design of software for embedded real-time systems which have safety functions or implications for safety. It presents an overview of relevant formal specification techniques and examines the use of temporal and timed Petri nets in specification, verification and performance evaluation. These techniques are applied to the design of the real-time control software for two independently-driven interacting mechanism for a high-speed packaging machine.
Keywords: specification (and) design (of) real-time system (using) timed (and) temporal net; safety; performance evaluation; high-speed packaging machine.