In: IEE Proc. on Control Theory Applications, Vol. 145, No. 5, pages 463-471. 1998.
Abstract: The analytical capability of conceptual models that are used in a soft systems methodology to capture the processes within a business organizations is examined and extended. Specifically, the models known as systemigrams, which form part of the Boardman soft systems methodology, are considered. The informal nature of the systemigrams allows a nonspecialist to easily create models of processes, but it does not permit analysis of the resulting model. This problem is addressed by presenting a translation algorithm that converts systemigram descriptions into Petri net models. This translation allows the behavior, represented by a systemigram, to be analyzed via Petri net theory. Application of this algorithm is shown via a case study that translates and analyzes a systemigram of a realistic process that forms the order intake phase of a product's life cycle.
Keywords: Petri nets, business processes, soft computing, systemigrams.