In: Cosnard, M.; et al.: Decentralized Systems. Proceedings of the IFIP WG 10.3 Working Conference, 1989, Lyon, France, pages 399-410. Amsterdam, Netherlands: North-Holland, 1990.
Abstract: There are two components which are possible bottlenecks in a high speed communication system, namely medium access protocols and processing of protocols above. The authors study several network controllers and compare the typical performance of such network controllers to the performance of medium access protocols. The results show that network controllers are very likely to become the bottlenecks in future high speed networks. Therefore, concepts for high speed network controllers have to be developed. The authors present a survey over the new controller architecture on a multiprocessor basis, with Petri nets being used for both organizing and programming.
Keywords: gateway performance; high speed local area network; high speed communication system; medium access protocol performance; protocol processing; network controller performance; high speed network controller; multiprocessor.