Springer-Verlag, 302 pages, 1998. ISBN 3-540-62752-9.
Abstract: A variety of distributed algorithms are presented and proven correct in this book. A (Petri net based) technique to model and to analyze distributed algorithms is coincidently presented. This technique focusses on local states, independent actions, and synchronization of distributed threads of control.
This book's scope is modest, as it sticks to a choice of small and medium size distributed algorithms. Compositionality, stepwise refinement, interface specification, abstraction, etc., are not covered. Nevertheless, this book's claims are ambitious: Just as PASCAL-like programming structures and Hoare-style proof techniques appear optimal for a wide class of sequential algorithms, this book's formalism is suggested to be optimal for a wide class of distributed algorithms.
Particular preliminary knowledge is not assumed in this text, besides basics in formal concepts and a general intuitive understanding of computer science. The text provides a basis for university courses and can help the practitioner to design distributed algorithms. The hurried reader may just study the pictures.