Diploma. Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Informazione (DSI), 1990/91. In Italian.
Abstract: The Thesis focuses on OBJSA nets, a specification language for real systems based on Petri nets and algebraic specification techniques. OBJSA nets model part of the information of the system by the net and part by the associated algebraic specification. Then it is necessary to establish formal relationships among the different models. The proposed solution formalizes a notion of level abstraction and defines equivalence classes of OBJSA nets. Moreover, two semantics for OBJSA nets are proposed: a translation into correspondent ordinary net systems (namely, Superposed Automata 1-safe Net Systems) and pure algebraic specifications (namely, OBJ3 modules).
Keywords: semantical characterization (of) OBJSA net(s); distributed system; specification language OBJ; level abstraction; OBJSA nets equivalence classes; OBJ3 module.