In: CIRP/IFIP/IFORS Workshop, 1989, Genova, Italy / Villa, A.; et al.: IFAC Workshop Series, Vol. 3; Decisional Structures in Automated Manufacturing. Proceedings of the IFAC, pages 37-44. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1990.
Abstract: In a cellular flexible manufacturing system (CMS) a vast majority of the part types manufactured by the system require machining on a single cell only. However a few part types (called `rare' parts) need processing on more than one cell. It is precisely the intercell movement of these `rare' parts that leads to some kind of weak interaction among otherwise independent cells. The authors show how this structure can be used to achieve significant computational savings in the performance evaluation of the CMSs by product form closed queueing network models and generalised stochastic Petri net models.
Keywords: performance evaluation (of) cellular flexible manufacturing systems; decomposition; manufacturing cell interaction; generalized stochastic net; product form closed queueing network.