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Pattern-Directed Real-Time Execution of SA/RT Specifications.

Pulli, P.J.

In: Proceedings of the Euromicro Workshop on Real Time, 1989, Como, Italy, pages 3-9. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, 1989.

Abstract: Initial results with an experimental run-time system are reported. The run-time system makes possible real-time execution of software specifications created according to the structured analysis for real-time systems (SA/RT) techniques. A prototype of the run-time system is implemented in C language. The run-time system is capable of executing SA/RT specifications that are generated automatically into object-oriented C language format from high-level Petri-net representation of SA/RT specifications. The run-time system is based on an efficient pattern-directed implementation of the Ward scheduling algorithms.

Keywords: pattern-directed real-time execution (of) SA/RT specifications; structured analysis (for) real-time systems; object-oriented C language; high-level net representation (of) SA/RT specifications; pattern-directed implementation (of) Ward scheduling algorithm.

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