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Petri Nets Newsletter.
Pradin-Chezalviel, B.
Rivière, N.;
Pradin-Chezalviel, B.;
Valette, R.:
Reachability and temporal conflicts in t-time PETRI nets.
Pradin-Chezalviel, B.;
Valette, R.;
Kunzle, L.A.:
Scenario durations characterization of T-timed Petri nets using linear logic.
Cardoso, J.;
Valette, R.;
Pradin-Chezalviel, B.:
Linear Logic for Imprecise Firings in Fuzzy Petri Nets.
Cardoso, J.;
Valette, R.;
Pradin-Chezalviel, B.:
Fuzzy Petri Nets and Linear Logic.
Papapanagiotakis, G.;
Azéma, P.;
Pradin-Chezalviel, B.:
On a PROLOG Environment for Protocol Analysis.
Papapanagiotakis, G.;
Azéma, P.;
Pradin-Chezalviel, B.:
Propositional Branching Time Temporal Logic in PROLOG.
Pradin-Chezalviel, B.:
Un Outil Graphique Interactif pour la Verification des Systemes a Evolution Parallele Decrits par Reseaux de Petri.
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