In: Languages, logic, mathematical linguistics. Papers of the 10th Natl. Colloq., 1988, Brasov, Romania, pages 183-191. 1988. In Romanian.
Abstract: The work outlines some of the results of the author's doctor thesis titled ``Applications of the theory of graphs and nets in information science: Petri nets'', defended in January 1988. It underscores the interdisciplinary character of the thesis through the results reached at, such as the elaboration of algorithms to construct trees and HL-trees, the definition and study of the similar behaviour of two different classes of Petri nets, the achievement of a connection between the formalism of Petri nets and that of the theory of systems, the establishment of a link between programming and Petri nets, the study of flows in PT-labelled Petri nets, etc. The final section of the work highlights the close link between Petri nets and formal languages.
Keywords: HL-tree; system theory; predicate/transition net; formal language.