In: 06: Bericht 267, Tagungsband des 13. Workshops Algorithmen und Werkzeuge für Petri-Netze, AWPN'06, FBI-HH-B-267, pages 69-74. September 06.
Abstract: Since we are living in a society which is highly dependent on technology, the formal verification of safety-critical technological systems is a very important area of research. In railroad systems engineering 'verification' traditionally often is based only on informal methods which cannot formally prove the presence of desired and the absence of undesired system properties. Out of this, the recent IEC/CENELEC European norms require that railroad controller systems adhere to specified levels of safety, which can be verified by quantitative and qualitative analysis. Since the formal verification of non-trivial systems inevitably needs proper tool support, the ToMASEn project was set up. In this project a Petri-Net based tool is developed for the integrated modeling and analysis of safety-critical controllers in railroad systems. This paper provides an overview of the ToMASEn project and gives an impression of the current state of the supporting Petri-Net tool.